mmm i don't really make dubstep anymore, at least not in a while, but you may like this tune:
warning! i linked to "that site"

lol awesome flier

do it. gonna be rad. or mad. decent if u will
*wonders if anyone will get the bad pun*

3rd Lazerbeat, fuckin icemilk and overlords. lgpt is awesome simply cause of its flexibility, u can load any sample you want into it. and unlike lsdj you wont get akward stares when you use it around campus


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

/\ king of lulz

WTF phone doubleposts

chipocrite wrote:

Everyone was outstanding. And I'd just like to point out that that was the best 8static open mic ever. It was essentially a crazy schizo full fourth set.

minusbaby wrote:

So many smart girls. Baby Tarzan and I will be back next month.

play on playa


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

facebooked big_smile

party motherfuckers smile smile smile

just in, Facundo has been confirmed


btw, no cover

yo! house parrtaayyy this saturday

Disassembler's place! BRING YO WIFE! BRING YO KIDS!
224 S. Johnston Ave.
Trenton, NJ
7:00 pm

if you would like any more info just pm me


yesss how the fuck have i been this late in picking up a propa release of so i slept in
big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

super kickass gangsta beatz
all the chopped n screwed producers use it

is it too late to delete this dude irl?