Birdsrobe and GameBoyAustralia.com present:
Celebrating new EPs from Cheapshot (JP) Dot.AY (BNE) and godinpants (SYD)
with love and support from Sydney's
10kfreemen and Abortifacient.
More on the artists:
• Cheapshot is an 8bit dubstep enigma. 8bitpeoples.com on Cheapshot's latest release:
"James York a.k.a. Cheapshot a.k.a. Yorkie a.k.a. better at dubstepwobblebasschipfunk than you has been tearing up the Tokyo live scene for the past year with more fans than a top seed gladiator. This EP is part of the reason why. Dark and gritty, instantly accessible, and hard to forget. Phone home and tell your mother, Cheapshot has arrived."
• Dot.AY makes wonky bass heavy Game Boy Music that will have your head bobbin' and penis throbbin'!
• godinpants combines distorted bass guitar with stupidly low resolution drum samples played back with a Game Boy. So punk you'll blow your junk.
• 10kfreemen yells at a Nintendo Game Boy and calls it music.
• Abortifacient spends more time painting his face in corpse paint than writing tunes. His Game Boy centric tunes are still great despite this.
This delightful event will be taking place at TONE.
Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills.
$10, 8pm, Tuesday March 15.
Thanks dixls for the stfu.jpg poster.