Perhaps - I'm not sure whether he/she was manufacturing or just reselling - but I suspect the bulk of the cheap GB cart business is geared towards gamers, particularly Pokémon gamers. Being badmouthed on chipmusic sites probably isn't a big concern. I could be wrong; if anyone else wants to hazard their money and time on that site, I'd be keen to hear how they get on.

Ah, thanks BennVenn - that would've been great, but I've preordered the Altane programmer from ASM Retro. It's reputed to work with the Game Boy Camera, but if I don't have any joy with that I'll be in touch with you!

By the way, for the benefit of anyone still wondering about Smartboy Cart - I did raise a PayPal dispute and my money was discreetly refunded a few days before the dispute time period expired. Still not a single ASCII character of communication from the seller. Which is a shame...but there you go.

Wow, okay... Thanks all - sounds like I'd better get that dispute under way.

I've got an original BleepBloop and haven't had much time for LSDJ lately anyway, so that's kept my fury in check - besides, the main reason I ordered this is that I wanted a USB reader for quick backups and to transfer GB Cam pics. And yeah, literally all I have is a PayPal transaction ID autogenerated by PayPal - no confirmation email, no tracking number, and the page I got when PayPal redirected me back to the seller site after the transaction was the Chinese version of the Microsoft IIS 404 page. I gave them a fair amount of benefit of the doubt, and thought that maybe they just had whack hosting, but it now occurs to me that...maybe their form never notified them of the order in the first place. That should have occurred to me before. Damn.

So worst case, I raise the issue before the 45 days is up and get a refund. Best case, I get my refund and then the cart magically appears some time in the future (whereupon I'll send them the money again, because I'm a decent sort of guy). But the more I think about it, the more I realise they probably never got my order in the first place, and simply didn't notice an extra $75 dropping into their PayPal.

Thanks though, for reassuring me that it *is* unusual not to get confirmation or tracking details! It's many years since I ordered something from China, but many years ago this was the kind of flakiness you expected of web sales (from anywhere - not just China).

I came out of hibernation to order one of these 32 days ago, paying extra for EMS rather than Airmail delivery, and now feel rather foolish being bereft of both my money and a Smartboy Cart. People have said that it can take quite a while for the stuff to leave China, travel, then clear customs, but repeated emails to the gmail address on over the past few weeks have been ignored and it's nearing the point of no return for raising a PayPal "give me back my fucking money" dispute.

So as well as being keen to know if anyone's bought from the site recently (like in 2014), I'd also quite like to know if anyone's had cause to email them and if they got a reply. There was no problem with my PayPal transaction going through, needless to say; somebody on the other end has their account in order and was happy to take my money.

I'm not angry yet, but should I be?



(12 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

By the way, I *think* (though I'm not 100% certain) that if you load a Sampler-based Instrument Rack in a version of Ableton that doesn't have the Sampler instrument installed/licenced, it reverts to using Simpler but prevents you from tweaking the settings...but allegedly allows those Samplers to behave as the creator intended. If that's true, it means that this can be used in non-Suite, Lite or even free trial versions of Ableton Live in case anyone's interested in taking a look.


(12 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I wanted some of the major elements of Protracker/FastTracker behaviour available to me in modern DAWs, but without the fastidious attention to detail that frankly inhibited my creative process for years when I used to argue on forums about the minutiae of interpolation techniques, etc. I've coded my own MOD/XM replayers, I know what's involved in getting *the sound*, but I realised that life's too short and that what's just about good enough for my ears is more than good enough for casual listeners. It's great that people are still concerned about the details, but this is a very personal thing based on the sad fact that time is money and I need to actually finish tracks to deadlines rather than indulge in fiddling with bytes smile

SO... I made Chipslapper, a Reaktor ensemble. Yes, it requires a licenced (or pirated) copy of Reaktor, but I haven't the skillset required to make a C++/JUCE VST so it's the next best thing in terms of portability between Windows, OS X, Renoise, Ableton Live, Logic etc. You can see the details on the page there, but basically it does:

- all the waveforms joule listed plus freehand waveform drawing
- ADSR (but not freehand-drawn envelope)
- vibrato with a sweep (just like FT2)
- a nice big pitchbend value so you can draw pitch envelopes with DAW automation
- a choice of mono or poly and a basic delay that's designed to sound like multichannel pattern-delay
- a waveform slot for files imported via Reaktor's Sample Map system
- some control over sample start/loop points
- an extra waveform type which is basically all of the samples from ST-01 wink
- a random panner with variable maximum width

It DOESN'T have an arpeggiator (I intended to use built-in DAW MIDI arps), pan envelopes (easily automated in the DAW, which felt like a better solution to me anyway) or randomised step modulation - but read on for more about that last one...

Stuff I wasn't bothered about included compression, filtering, or anything else that I'd probably be doing as part of my general mixdown. Again, fidelity (relative or otherwise) and historical accuracy weren't critical, but 'feel' was.

Then a few nights ago, I decided to redo the whole thing in Max/MSP, to use with MaxForLive in Ableton Live. Then I decided "fuck that" and remade the whole thing just using native Ableton Live devices instead - loads of Sampler instances filled with waveforms. It's called Chipslapper Rack and you can find it on the page linked above. And, although it's arguably more limited than Chipslapper in that it's only for use in Ableton Live, it's got a number of advantages (mostly outlined on my page). Pertinent to this conversation, though, are things like:

- it uses looped 64byte waveforms that I created myself (32bytes wouldn't loop in Sampler) rather than Reaktor oscillators
- Interpolation can be disabled or set to one of three quality levels in Sampler, so they're mostly off but you could change that if you wanted
- Step modulation for pulse waveforms is implemented and it's randomised smile With only changes on note retrig, as joule specified.
- I've built an Ableton Arpeggiator into the rack this time, preset to a close approximation of the kind of arps I often use - but configurable via Macros
- As well as a delay, which works a little better than in the Reaktor version, I've also included Redux for sample/bit reduction. Probably unnecessary, but once in a blue moon I'd use it for a cheesy automated drop/fadeout
- Input velocity can be adjusted on the panel Macros too, as well as the ADSR, the random pan width (0 == centre), portamento time (you can dig into the Sampler instances if you want to change between portamento and glide; sadly that option couldn't be Macroised)
- White, pink and brown noise, still beholden to the ADSR and most of the other features
- Best (worst) of all...I've now got the first three ST-XX sampledisks built in as the final three Waveform types; 'ST-XX Sample', needless to say, lets you scan through all of them. A few are missing from ST-03, as it's got more than 128, but who cares smile

Again, the big caveat - I wrote this for my own use. It does exactly what I need and it makes it really easy for me to get some of the sounds/behaviours I want in a fully-sequenced multichannel DAW track without having to render out of Milkytracker or whatever, as well as taking advantage of all the handy parameter recall stuff in Reaktor/Live. If anyone else finds either of them useful, that's great - I've put them both up for free, so go mad. I should say that I'm unlikely to implement any major changes or alter anything that somebody might think isn't 'authentic' enough, but since Chipslapper is an .ens and an .alp, the source is all there for people to mess with if they want.

Hope it helps!


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh, if your system's capable of higher resolutions, great; that's the best temporary solution. Chipdisco can be run in 'presentation' mode, but there's no scaling - it's just a fullscreen black background with the app centred on the screen. Again, though, things might have changed in the world of Processing/Java... I'll look into this when I next delve into the code (soon, probably, as I need to improve some features ahead of some gigs that are coming up towards the end of the year).


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi SketchMan3! I'm afraid there are various tedious reasons why Chipdisco isn't resizeable, the most stark and unilluminating of which is that Processing/Java applications don't resize well. It's possible to resize them, but because so many percentage and coordinate-based layout values rely on fixed dimensions and can't be specified as variables during the initial setup/loading, resizing causes everything to break. I spent a lot of time trying to work around this and did actually figure out how the problem could mostly be solved, but it required a few too many compromises and a lot more work than I could afford to put into it (especially after we moved house and had a baby).

In parallel with all this, I was getting annoyed by the fiddliness of the 800x600 interface Chipdisco originally used (I'd wanted to use it on my netbooks) and I just decided that, for the sake of being able to use Chipdisco comfortably the way I was trying to use it - in dark nightclubs after a few drinks - I would increase the size and make all those control elements huge and foolproof. No more pixel-sniping in the dark with a crappy netbook touchpad! The downside is that it forces me to take a 12" Macbook or a 14" VAIO out to gigs, but then my Eee 901 netbook had been struggling with playback occasionally and I'd been starting to doubt that this was a netbook-friendly app. Java's just a resource-hog anyway, especially with my inefficient code, but it's the only language I know hmm

Readme/config files in zips: good question! Easy answer, too: the last time I fixed and rebuilt all the zips, I forgot to manually add them. When I get a spare moment, I'll add them into the build process so it's done automatically smile

Sorry about the resize thing. I know it's obnoxious of a program to refuse to resize gracefully and one day I'll crack the problem entirely, so it can be done freely (or proportionally). It's a problem for Processing in general, so I occasionally ask around in the Processing community to see if progress has been made. Some day...


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Sorry for the delay in replying - the site normally emails me when a thread I'm subscribed to gets a reply, but this time it didn't... Thanks for the log - the first exception is expected, just means the config files aren't in place (but they're not necessary so that's cool). So yeah, Pulse. I've been reading up on this for the RaspberryPi stuff I'm doing with a heavily cut-down version of Chipdisco. Seems that the Pulse situation is fairly crazy in Debian at the minute, particularly on ARM (although I assume you're on x86/x64), and the only thing I can think of to suggest is that you experiment with uninstalling and reinstalling ALSA, Pulse and the associated bits and pieces in different combinations. It's annoying that Linux audio always causes such problems with Oracle's JVM, especially since it *should* be better in terms of latency and performance than Windows' or OS X's interfaces to the JVM. Someone's introduced me to a project called 'jjack' (yup, Java JACK) and though it'll mean forking my code and probably a fair bit of redevelopment, I'm hoping that it'll behave like a native library that'll speak to ALSA/Pulse in a much more friendly and compatible way.

Actually, I think even if you recompiled the whole thing on your system, you'd get the same errors: these errors are the stack traces I've told Chipdisco to print in the event of the types of problems it's running into, so technically it's working just as it should. Hopefully a bit of ALSA/Pulse tweaking (though not to the extent that it risks ruining your system) will help...

Oh, as for the sluggishness, I'm not sure what's happening there. Is there any chance you're using the open-JDK? Oracle's JVM doesn't come as standard since there are licencing issues at odds with Debian and most other Linux distros. (Apologies if we've been through this before, by the way - it's late and I can't remember!) Open-JDK apparently has a range of problems of its own, some concerning sound, some concerning JIT runtime compilation stuff that I don't understand. Also, my brain's starting to blur the boundaries between the x86 and the ARM issues, some of which are distinct and some of which are shared... I'm not sure how to do it on x86 Linux, but I think you can download a full JVM package from Oracle's website (maybe ~30MB), unpack it and then temporarily point your global java path vars at it. You'd best search for a tutorial for that, though, written by somebody who's actually (and safely) done it smile


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh dear! Could you try running it from a shell window as described above to see if it puts out an error message? If it's starting up and then just going nuts, it should be printing a stack trace with details of the exception and that might hold some helpful clues. Thanks!


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Okay, that bug is fixed - tests fine on Windows 7, should also be fine on XP. Please redownload!


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

shiroshii - I'd like to support .it, but I'd have to get considerably better at coding in order to implement the filters. The NNAs, I *think* I could get my head around, but I'll have to research the format. I'd also love to support AHX, but that's a whole different kettle of fish...


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks, Aeros. Yeah, I've pinned it down - it *is* a \ vs / pathname issue. Fixing it now smile

By the way, I can't get the console to run via the Java control panel either - I think that option only works for browser applets (though Oracle don't make that clear at all). I managed to get a console readout in Win7 by doing:

java -jar C:\Users\echolevel\Desktop\Chipdisco6.1_Win\Chipdisco6_Win\lib\Chipdisco6.jar c.p.Chipdisco

Hopefully you won't need to use that, unless something else goes wrong... wink


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi guys. Thanks, XyNo!

VCMG, Aeros - can you tell me a bit more, please, and I'll see if I can figure out why it's not working? Which OSs, first of all? It could be a really simple thing like the backwards (compared to Linux and OS X) directory slashes aren't being interpreted properly, thus breaking the paths. Or it could be something more sinister smile So the various methods of adding modules are as follows: Add button, which can add single MOD files (or XM or S3M). Dragging/dropping from an OS folder onto either playlist - this can take multiple files if you select a load before dragging. This method's not advisable during playback as it can cause a slight gap in the audio; the Add button shouldn't, though. Adding M3U playlist, which is just a list of fully-qualified file paths, one per line, saved as something.m3u. Remove any commented-out metadata lines (beginning '#'), as they can sometimes cause problems. Editing chipdisco_config.txt to autoload either a directory or an M3U playlist on startup.

I'm sure you've tried all of these, and though I've tested them extensively on OS X, I haven't had a chance to test on Windows - main reason I didn't bother, though, is that I didn't change any of the relevant code since the last version, which I wrote and tested on Windows XP... So yeah, the more you can tell me about the fault, the better - I'll try to fix it as quickly as possible!

Finally, the Java console will display a lot of feedback while Chipdisco is running: do a google search to find instructions for enabling the Java console in your OS, and it'll clearly state if it's had a problem finding, reading or drag-dropping the files (corrupted headers, incompatible formats, etc.), parsing M3U files, or reading the preset directory.



(23 replies, posted in Releases)

D :