(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh, and thanks for adding the link, DeMarko - that's embarrassing! I'll go and edit now...


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks all!

YERZMYEY - as akira says, no extra audio hardware, just an insanely powerful Amiga smile I wrote my Hively stuff when I had an 060 (I sold it not long ago), and Hively needs the 060 mainly to run its GUI and large screen resolution - the multichannel software mixing probably doesn't need quite as much power, but there's little point running Hively on anything less. Actually, even with an 060 there's a lot of lag on the keys, etc. But consider that it was originally coded for AmigaOS, running on 233mhz+ PPCs with video cards etc. - the version for classic Amiga is a port that buzz^exotica made after I nagged xeron for aaaages to give him the sourcecode ;D

So Hively mixes all its channels into one audio buffer stream, then uses AHI, an audio interface layer for various Amiga operating systems, to point that stream at hardware - whether it's a SoundBlaster card in a towered Amiga, a VIA chip onboard one of those expensive SAM motherboards, or a plain old Paula chip on an A1200 which will spit out anything you feed into it, like all those mp3s used in demos for the last ten years or so wink

Good suggestion though YERZMYEY - I'll write up some technical details for people's curiosity and add them smile


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Finally! pro.tect is a lovingly prepared collection of Syphus’ work from 2007 to 2011 – almost entirely unheard, outside of his live shows. Though the tracks have been mastered for more ear-friendly and mp3-friendly listening, they were all made using AHX (Amiga), HivelyTracker (Amiga), Protracker (Amiga) and FastTracker2/MilkyTracker (PC).

(Dull bit coming up - no need to read this)
This album’s a fairly long time in coming. Since Greatest Bits, which saw a very limited physical CD release (until the box of CDs was stolen from the merch table on the second Chiptune Alliance tour – which made it even more limited!), I’ve somewhat wound down the number of live Syphus gigs I do. That’s for all sorts of reasons, not least of which is that I’m a gigging musician by profession and I find it harder and harder to get the time for Syphus gigs the way I used to. Also, I feel strongly that Syphus as a live act existed in a certain heady moment of UK live chipmusic frenzy and while whipping out the electric violin/electric guitar/keytar was a lot of fun and very popular with audiences, it also runs quite contrary to the mood I wanted for this album.

I got my first Amiga at the age of 9 and chipmusic has always been about finding a wider creative connectedness through a solitary and hermetic mode of practice; namely, spending rainy Sunday afternoons lost in the worlds and galaxies thrown open to me by my Amiga, its games, the demoscene and Protracker.

I have no doubt I’ll continue to give live Syphus performances in the future, and while I could easily have laced this album with extraneous instrumentation, I know deep down that those performative gimmicks don’t have a place in a work which needed to be all about musing on those lost moments of youthful optimism and imaginative hope, forged under the burning CRT glow of my heroes’ cracktro pixels.

I hope you enjoy this album, which can be previewed for free on Bandcamp and then downloaded for £5 if you like it. If you buy the full album, as well as getting high quality mp3/FLAC/etc files and the full-size cover art, you’ll also get 3 bonus tracks! Purists will notice that I’ve done some post-production on these modules: I’ve taken some care to ensure that the average listener gets the most pleasing balance of frequencies and dynamic range without compromising the unique characteristics of the software techniques used to create them. That’s why, although replayer interpolation is still strictly off-limits, the overall sound is less grating on the ear when played through an mp3 player or on a big sound system.

Also: keep an eye out over the next few months for a remastered re-release of Greatest Bits!

Thanks for reading!


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Right, hopefully the last one, then I'll try to stop bumping with every little update smile

Now you can pass URL arguments to ChipdiscoDJ to load playlists from m3u files you've put somewhere online and to declare config options to save you from having to set them each time.

It takes playlist A, playlist B, cue-device, midi-in-device, interpolation and colour-scheme (or some, or none of those) like so: http://crayolon.net/chipdisco/index.php … amp;midi=2


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Another update, probably the last for a while (unless there are any serious bugs). Hopefully the new features will make performance a little easier - I plan to perform with ChipdiscoDJ on Tuesday, so it's not an entirely selfless endeavour smile


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Emar - it used to work like that, when I was doing DSP-based volume control. Obviously that's ideal, but the DSP-based volume was causing crashes aplenty. The solution for stability was to control volume by hijacking the player's calculation of module channel/note volume (between 0 and 64) and scaling everything. Sadly, because the buffer-display (it's not true spectrum analysis, it's actually just a total cheat - drawing the contents of the audio buffer big_smile) can only read from the post-mix output, it always sees things *after* that volume scaling has been done.

I'm trying to come up with a solution for that. Maybe I can duplicate all the channels in the module and read volumes off them, but not send them to the mixing engine...though I'm already duplicating channels for ultra top-secret 'jam' channels wink

The coloured blocks at the bottom of each deck, while pretty-looking, were intended as a very poor substitute for the buffer-display's visual feedback: you can usually see kick and snare hits, especially in less densely populated mods' patterns. Not great, I know...

boomlinde - that's another thing I sacrificed in order to use a GUI library that wouldn't cause me heavy pain and would let me chop out a thousand lines of my own confusing code wink I did try this out last year in my own GUI, but found that, depending on screen-size and various other factors, it wasn't very satisfactory in all situations.

Another option would be pickup mode, like many hardware synths use for knobs. The click is registered but the control doesn't 'catch' until the mouse position reaches the current value. If I did that, I'd have to make it an option, as not everyone would like it.

By the way, for performance scenarios, I would suggest that MIDI is the ideal means of controlling ChipdiscoDJ, particularly the crossfader. And that's really easy for me to do pickup mode in - most of the controls already have it (though I'll check).

I agree with you about the speed/tempo values, however it still wouldn't be a solution for all modules. Well, I don't need to tell you how many composers down the years have experimented fucking around with speed/bpm values wink This is tied in with another problem (or feature, you decide): I have an option for enabling or disabling tempo override, which is supposed to force your on-the-fly BPM changes upon a module even if that module has its initial BPM command entered on row 0 of every single pattern. I've played around a lot, but all it proves is that if you want to do serious performance DJing in Chipdisco, you need to know the mods that you're putting in; perhaps even to the point of editing them yourself beforehand. Not ideal, but at least it's *possible*, unlike with mp3s, and MilkyTracker/etc have lots of good find&replace functions now.

Anyway, I'm thinking about these issues and trying to figure out solutions. More updates soon!


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow, looking forward to having a listen over dinner smile

There are YET MORE amazing features, hopefully to appear later tonight: you'll be able to save each deck's playlist to the clipboard, then paste it into a blank .m3u (text) file on your computer for loading later on. When used for playlists that are all-online, it'll keep the paths and you'll be able to share it. Also, you'll be able to load your own m3u file at startup if you have it online somewhere, as there's URL argument passing now. Means you can save a link to ChipdiscoDJ that loads two playlists, chooses your favourite colour scheme and what sort of interpolation you'd like (that's a request from someone earlier today). Maybe more options, if I think anything's really important. I guess you could use that to pre-choose MIDI/cue devices...


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Cheers all!

Updates: I've fixed the fonts, I've generally overhauled and improved the GUI, I've reduced the width to 1024px (netbook-friendly!), added BPM fine-tune buttons and on-screen transpose (pitch) controls AND fixed the OSX/Linux hanging issue when choosing cue-mix device.

Emar - good suggestions, cheers! I should say, though, don't hope to get pinpoint-accurate beatmatching with this. Actually, you *can* beatmatch, but not if you use the cue-mix, as there's a slight lag when the cue-mix is sent back to the main outputs. Which defeats the whole object of the cue-mix tongue Maybe I'll be able to fix it one day... Let me know if you do a DJ set with it, anyway smile


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Aaaah...that's a tricky one. A Processing limitation; Processing's really rubbish at screen resolution stuff, particularly changing applet dimensions after the applet's started running. There are some hacks and tricks, but they're not very portable and can cause other problems. I'll maybe just make things thinner and try to squeeze it at least to 1024 width, which most systems (even my current netbook) can manage.

What's your resolution, by the way?


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Yes, I absolutely recognise the need for that smile Actually, +/- keys and Shift with +/- leys used to control +/-1 BPM...I think I disabled them during the overhaul and forgot to put them back in. I shall do so! And maybe I'll complement them with some nice +/- buttons on the GUI too...

I hadn't heard of maxmod before - looks interesting, thanks for the heads-up.


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Cheers spriteful! Interested to hear about your Processing tracker. Doing a tracker in Processing (or anything, come to that) is a biiiig job and I'm only about 20% through one of my own (even with PortaMod's help) but it would also be the coolest thing in the world to see come to fruition. Having said that, I realise it'd be much easier to do a custom-format synthtracker than an XM/S3M/MOD tracker, but I'm apparently a masochist wink

OSX probs - the ones I was referring to have been fixed and although we discovered some new ones, I'm working on those too. I'll check PortaMod to make sure the same problems don't exist there and I'll upload a fix if they do [edit - no, I checked and PortaMod doesn't have the same problem smile ]. The problems are about getting secondary/multiple AudioLines from javasound - some people can get two decks but no cue mixes, some people can only get one deck...we'll see smile

Flopps - hmm, I mostly get what you're saying, I think. Earlier versions of ChipdiscoDJ had full tracker notedata display (possibly not what you're talking about) and this version does have channel muting. I realise that's not so helpful unless you can see what's happening in the channels; the coloured blocks show channel note hits and it's possible to show channel note volume, but harder to show a spectrum-like display for each channel. That stuff only gets calculated in the mixing engine, and only for all channels at once. But I'll play around with some means of representing channels a bit better smile In the meantime, the first four channels of each module can have their mute status toggled with keys (1-4, 5-8) or MIDI.


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Flopps - cool! I'll be interested to hear how you get on. If you need any tweaks made, or have suggestions for improvements after using it in a real-life situation, just let me know smile


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

It's here!


ChipdiscoDJ is a twin-deck MOD/XM/S3M player, set up like DJ software and with many of the same features. Needless to say, because modules are much better than MP3s, WAVs and other rendered audio files, you can do very cool stuff by digging into the notes as they’re calculated and played on the fly by the player engine. Adjust speed without adjusting pitch! Change pitch without altering speed! Mute individual instruments or channels! Trigger sub-pattern loops (a la Ableton Live) with pinpoint timing accuracy! Also, because modules are usually very small, you can roll up to a party with ChipdiscoDJ and a bunch of tunes on a floppy disk and kill that shit dead. No floppies? Don’t worry – you can queue up files from other websites by copying the URLs. Aaaawesome.

For those already familiar with Chipdisco, v0.21 represents a slight crawl forward in terms of features but a gargantuan, chasm-spanning leap forward in terms of stability and reliability – even though it’s still done in Java!  It also looks a hell of a lot prettier now, and I think it’s sort of found itself visually after all this time (though there’s still scope for refinement…)

Feedback most welcome, either here or in the blogpost comments. It seems to work well on Windows and Linux (as long as Java is installed, natch) and - as usual - there are some problems with MacOS...but I'm working on them. Bugreports from Mac users are particularly welcome at the moment.



(10 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Forget about 68k Hively unless you've got a bvision, a Picasso or a scandoubler (as well as an 060), and even then you may as well fucking emulate smile I only got Buzz to port it to 68k as a desperate hack anyway. I'd dare to say I'm the only person to have played live with Hively in 10+ chans with keyjamming and it's a low-volume, lag-tastic nightmare. Works great under emulation, though;) Btw, Delfinas etc won't help the lag, as the mixing is still all done in soft before Paula.

Oh, and I sold my Phase5 Blizzard 1260/50mhz for £450 last month, leaving me with just a 1230. Proper Phase5 Blizzards (not the DCE ones) are great and trouble-free; accept no imitations...but on the other hand, save yourself a shitload and just emulate wink Yeah, you heard me.

(Edit: added some smileys in case people thought I was getting militant about this shit. There are 8 Amigas (and 1 empty A1200 case) in my direct line of vision as I type this, but I'm still recommending emulation as a remedy for Gear Acquisition Syndrome, so clearly my militant days are behind me.)


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks for the kind words, chaps. Progress is steady but slow - I've got approximately eighteen godzillion other things on and having time to work on the Syphus release is a rare treat. The EBM band I'm in has some big gigs and possibly touring coming up, and we're frantically rewriting 8 years' worth of stuff for that. Not to mention depping, gigging and playing on other people's records - all of which pay and are my only source of income at the minute wink

Anyway, I think this album will be called Arquebus and the plan is to have a limited-run physical release, a cheap or donationware digital release and an accompanying module-format musicdisk release. The musicdisk won't feature all the tunes and will be EP-sized...but people will be able to run it in the browser and enjoy all its visuals and easter eggs. Just as soon as I've coded some visuals and easter eggs...

Anyway, enough blab; it ain't real until it's released, so there's no point in musing on about it. I'll put out a few preview tracks when I get around to it (and when I have something good enough to distribute) and make the obligatory song and dance on twitter, Bitfellas, TCTD, pouet, etc.