(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Ack, it's horrible. I already called about that microKONTROL and it's not even in the store--it's out for repair. The guy took my name down, but who knows when it's going to be back in store. hmm

So I guess this ad's still relevant. Kind of sucks.

Thanks for the heads up, though, I really appreciate it!


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It's not being produced anymore, but this is the model I'm looking for.


I prefer paypal!


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Wait, nevermind. I think I already installed Crossover but it didn't work with the EMS program.

If I had any programming/real computer knowhow, I'd definitely take you up on that, but as I've got it now, the more simple way will have to do. hmm


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I wish I had a spare Windows CD to install Bootcamp or Cross Over. Shit sucks and I wish I could get my .savs on my MBP.

Speaking of, do any of you guys use the EMS supplied program with your LSDJ .savs on a Mac?

Yeah, for some reason, nothing I do with it is consistent. The unlimited length seems to do the trick, but I guess I'm beat if I want to play notes of a different length.

Thanks for your help!

You know, funny story. For some reason, I've got the same problem with LSDJ now. I can't even begin to guess what's going on here.


(7 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Hate to necro this, but I remember a few years back Nonfinite using vinyl dye on all of his DMG cases. He's since taken that video tutorial down, though. That always seemed to make his work turn out like the actual work from Nintendo.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If any of you guys have an extra one laying around, let me know how much you want for it. Wires included and in good condition please.

Also, be reasonable. I live in Western MA if that helps anyone calculate a price.



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am alllll set with that, stargazer! But thanks for the offer, it's definitely appreciated. big_smile


(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Could be your firewall, too.

Booty Tracker

Wow, haha. Talk about constructive criticism.

nordloef wrote:

I thought this was common knowledge. I think that there is a few threads about it on the nanoloop forum.

I checked there and couldn't find anything....But that's 'cos I couldn't use the search function. I can't justify joining that forum, seeing how inactive it generally is.

Sorry, I just noticed I forgot that. 1.3

I've noticed some really strange things happen with Nanoloop and my CGBs. I've got two of them and the problems are affecting both. Like I've said before, I write everything using my GBA SP and that works fine and sounds fine. But I noticed a few nights ago when I used my copy of Nanoloop to show some friends a song I was working on, all of my sustained notes just wouldn't stay.

I tried with my other CGB and the same thing happened. But trying them in my DMG, those notes were back--sustaining better than ever. Can anyone shed some light on this? I've searched around and tried testing with LSDJ to see if the problems are there too, but I'm fairly sure they aren't.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)


It is! My better half made it for me, haha.