loved Roccows lil soliloquy

O2star wrote:

havent listened to this track yet but i know of this other dudestep guy doing the video game thing and/or sampling games i dont know.. I havent listened to his tracks really.. and cant at work right now.. heh

more tracks at:

oh man this is exactly as bad as the 10,000,000 other ones of these everybody has heard at every chiptune open mic ever

i wasnt sold until fungus time and the ending. i chortled loudly! good for you dubstep guy, that was fun.


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

seriously though, this sounds fantastic. Congrats and great job Sam! big_smile


(16 replies, posted in Releases)



(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

danimal cannon wrote:

No James I'm doing some other stuff that's LSDJ plus MIDI drums.

ah! yeah. LSDJMC2 would probably be a good solution to that. I even know where you can find one if you want.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

danimal cannon wrote:

Oh good, I'm not an idiot then.  A few of my most recent projects have tempos like 147.752 in order to minimize the amount of editing I have to do in my DAW.  YAY 6 digit BPMs

Huh! What are you syncing to that needs that level of precision? Just curious. Is it just to lock to grid in your DAW or instruments from other clocks?

I initially assumed that your post was something about the Zef thing you just did and having to sync 2 gameboy tracks, but as I understand it from what nitro is saying, while LSDJ tempos may not be accurate in an absolutely sense, they should be accurate to other instances of LSDJ (yes? no?)

Anyway, this is probably the most interesting conversation ive seen on cm.o for a while.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

this probably isnt helpful, but in my experience ive found thats its usually *much* easier to micromanage groove with cleverly placed D commands than with G. It seems like the processor burden is much smaller too.

this was LEGENDARY


(12 replies, posted in Releases)


self bump; dont care

BOSTON8BIT and League Podcast Present: BOSTON8BIT & FRIENDS


Active Knowledge (Cape Cod)

Crashfaster (SF)

Br1ght Pr1mate (BOS)

Forrest James (Salem)

Robotsexmusic (BOS)

Glenntai (BOS)

And visuals by
VJ Beyonder

Doors 8pm
$10, 18+

Facebook: … 4/?fref=ts




kineticturtle wrote:

Bought stuff! Make sure you read the note I tacked on!

Yeaaaaaaay! I will smile

nerdsome wrote:

Ha.  Read the subject thinking this was literally primate things and not an artists merchandise which makes sense.

yes, i suppose i could make the title less stupid XD



"The James Primate Mega Quad VideoGame Music Bundle is the first original game music album released by GameChops. The Bundle a collection of four indie game soundtracks, written and produced by James Primate of BR1GHT PR1MATE."

LISTEN HERE ~~~> … sic-bundle

1. Abrickadabra | The Wizard 01:31
2. Abrickadabra | Tower Escape 02:37
3. Abrickadabra | Adventure Loop 03:37
4. Abrickadabra | Boss Loop 02:15
5. Abrickadabra | Loop of Determination 03:18
6. Abrickadabra | Loop of Sorrow 01:43
7. Abrickadabra | Menu Loop 01:25
8. Abrickadabra | Mons Olympus 02:53
9. Abrickadabra | Fatty! [Bonus Track] 04:26
10. Junk Jack | Junk Jack 01:54
11. Junk Jack | Noble Workman Overture 02:12
12. Junk Jack | Odds & Evens 1 02:04
13. Junk Jack | Odds & Evens 2 01:12
14. Junk Jack | Mayan Ruins 02:50
15. Junk Jack | Cave Birds 1 01:30
16. Junk Jack | Cave Birds 2 01:14
17. Junk Jack | Cave Birds 3 01:14
18. Junk Jack | Tunnels 01:10
19. Tangled | Tangled Theme 01:00
20. Tangled | Planetarius 02:44
21. Tangled | Jangwa Desert 02:44
22. Tangled | Oceanica 02:45
23. Tangled | Mud Miasto 02:43
24. Tangled | Marshmallow Sky 01:27
25. Tangled | Grassville 02:43
26. LiquidSketch | Alpha Waves 02:20
27. LiquidSketch | Bubbles 02:44
28. LiquidSketch | Droplet 02:18
29. LiquidSketch | Ever Flowing 03:46
30. LiquidSketch | LiquidSketch 02:54
31. LiquidSketch | Pools 02:52
32. LiquidSketch | Rip Currents 03:48

LISTEN HERE ~~~> … sic-bundle

The James Primate Mega Quad VideoGame Music Bundle is the first original game music album released by GameChops. The Bundle a collection of four indie game soundtracks, written and produced by James Primate of BR1GHT PR1MATE.

Album art by Amber Martell: and

* Music is 100% gameboy, hardware LSDJ
* game by Brian Gogol

Junk Jack:
* Music is stock iOS Nanoloop
* game by PixBits:
* App Store:

* Music is custom iOS Nanoloop
* game by Tobias Neukom:
* App Store:

* Music is stock iOS Nanoloop
* game by Code West Studios:
* App Store:
* Google App:

Follow James Primate:

Follow GameChops:

A note from James:
WHAT'S UP!!!! Thanks for checking out the JAMES PRIMATE MEGA QUAD VIDEOGAME MUSIC BUNDLE XL!! I'm MEGA QUAD psyched to have this opportunity with GameChops to show you all some of the awesome projects that I've been working on over the past year or so, and finally release one of my favorite soundtracks to date: Abrickadabra! Monsignor Cutman has asked me to write a bit about the tunes and games to set some context for this 31-track beast of a release, and I would love to do so! So here we go...

Abrickadabra! is a fast-paced, pixel-style action game that cleverly blends the style of brick-breakers like araknoid with an RPG storyline and item/leveling system. You play as a wizard in hot pursuit of an evil mage that has destroyed your village and, as they often do, kidnapped your girlfriend. For the soundtrack, developer Brian Gogol asked me to produce something with a classic retro videogame feel, and I was more than happy to bust out the gameboy and set to work. I wanted to the harken back to the soaring arpeggios and funky riffs of the "Golden Era" Commodore 64 adventure games, and, of course, the epic bombast of RPGs like Final Fantasy and Shining Force.

Junk Jack was one of the first commercial projects I worked and is STILL a favorite. Its cute, 2d minecraft-inspired gameplay and constant content updates from the dedicated PixBits team has made it a huge success and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to work on it! The Art of Junk Jack is whimsical and has a polished, almost "Super Mario World"-ish look to it, so much of the title music reflects that upbeat sound-world (I think some of you listeners will probably catch the references I made to SMW), but in playing the game... there is a certain loneliness to it. You play as Jack, a lone miner forging the things he needs to survive in a huge unknown world. Much like the Dwarves in the Mines of Moria, you dig deep into the darkness and occasionally uncover some scary stuff... so, I wanted some of the music to reflect feelings of both loneliness and "the unknown" as well.

LiquidSketch is, in my opinion, a work of art. The developer Tobias Nuekom developed it from the ground up around a never-before used algorithm for liquid physics modeling. It is a beautiful, intelligent and devilishly hard puzzle game and I wanted to create music that was up to that level. As the game is entirely based around the properties of liquids, the soundtrack is evocative of water: flowing, dripping, bubbling, pooling, and has a kind of elemental "eternal" quality, while still (hopefully) remaining playful enough to keep the mood positive.

Tangled was an interesting case in that it was already a super-successful game before I got involved: it was one of the original puzzle games on the iOS platform, and even had a sequel out already! Code West studios was looking to make the original Tangled into its flagship game, and to do so required a complete overhaul with totally new graphics and soundtrack. Similar in a way to LiquidSketch, the puzzle stages of Tangled are all elemental in nature: Planets, Rocks, Ocean, Fields, etc., so the looped tunes all reference the atmosphere of these locations, while keeping a kind up driving, beat-focused "puzzle-solving" mood. You can see I like thinking about all this stuff, haha!

Something that I didn't really talk about is the many challenges of writing game music, be it the tiny speakers of most iOS devices or the musical-structural limitations of the loop-based format that is generally necessitated by the level layout of games, so if you have any interest hearing me yammer on about that sort of thing, check out my game music tumblr:
released 30 December 2012
All songs written, produced and mastered by James Primate.
Released by GameChops, the game music record label.

megawall of megatext

LISTEN HERE ~~~> … sic-bundle