210 Nov 15, 2012 7:11 pm
Re: DMG all in one USB for power, sound and MIDI ... is it possible? (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
fuvk yes. id buy that in a heartbeat
211 Nov 15, 2012 6:10 pm
Re: Should chipmusic stay underground? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I thought only Bright Primate had sold out?
yall need to catch up!
212 Nov 15, 2012 5:44 pm
Re: @TCTD_Official (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
OMG I just got a new msg from @TCTD_Offical3:
213 Nov 15, 2012 7:34 am
Topic: @TCTD_Official (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
214 Nov 15, 2012 6:33 am
Re: Should chipmusic stay underground? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this thread could appear exaclty as it is in any year from 2006-present
215 Nov 15, 2012 6:06 am
Re: Should chipmusic stay underground? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
you can dislike IFD for whatever reason, but they were fairly involved in the scene for quite a while and have solid knowledge of what they are doing, which is far beyond what the likes of crystal castles or timbaland or riff raff or whatever other chiptune appropriators have invested, so I completely disagree.
listen: almost all of chip music is gimmicky. we are using videogame systems to write music with. its a gimmick. even calling it "chip music" rather than "lo fi house" or "electro rock" or whatever the actual genre of the music might be is gimmicky. all our shirts emblazoned with gameboys and Ataris? gimmicky. that's fine. the REAL theft isn't going to be the gimmick, it's going to be a new, well funded label artist appropriating the appearance of "this cool new chiptune scene" behind him or her to hide the corporate strings, much like a Lana Del Ray pretending at indie or a Skrillex pretending at dubstep.
216 Nov 15, 2012 4:57 am
Re: Should chipmusic stay underground? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
if chipmusic ever were to get big "popular representation" it would likely be just some crystal castles type thing where a producer with a big marketing team takes CHIP SOUNDZ VST for its "so artsy and underground" appeal. I mean, I Fight Dragons is off of Atlantic even after sell-out tours and Guch haven't had any label support despite their buzz, huge touring and completely marketable selves, so I feel like if *those guys* can't do it from the bottom up who can?
I don't think it's a problem though, I just think that music business has changed. And I much prefer the current state rather than some fake hyped up corporate feeding ground bullshit. DIY till I DIE.
217 Nov 14, 2012 10:42 pm
Re: Android midi sencencing apps I should know about? (8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
i heard somewhere that android's midi support is dreadful so devs don't go near it :<
there are a lot of latency issues with anything music related in android, plus apparently the google API has nothing for it. which is REALLY strange, since apple has targeted music devs from day one with iOS. at this point there is absolutely no comparison between the 2 platforms, sadly. i dont think android will ever be able to catch up.
edit: sorry, not trying to bring down the OP. i am just really disappointed in what could have been an awesome open-source music platform
218 Nov 14, 2012 3:30 pm
Re: classic "pops and crackles" lsdj question: what do *you* do? (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Some people may call this heresy, but have you tried exporting the sound from BGB? If you're going to great lengths in post to get a clean sound, you may as well try BGB. The difference in sound will probably be negligible (re: your clients will likely not realize you used an emulator), and while BGB's sound is pretty darn accurate, it is less poppy-clicky and you'll have a cleaner product.
oh, it's certainly a possibility, but like I said I would kind of like to avoid it if I can. more for workflow issues than any sense of "handheld loyalty" haha.
219 Nov 14, 2012 2:02 pm
Re: classic "pops and crackles" lsdj question: what do *you* do? (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
On pulse channels, I avoid using many E commands with sudden changes (say, 18 to 38), as they seem to cause a lot of pops. K commands will too, not as noticeable but if you have K commands on both pulse chans simultaneously. Other than E commands and stacked Ks, O commands are the obvious enemy.
yeah, or R commands, or switching between waveforms in the PW channels, or H commands or tempo related things with G commands haha. it's a long list of things to avoid XD
for my own music I don't mind the pops at all, just part of the aesthetic. but I feel weird turning in noisy recordings to clients.
In answer to your op question regarding SPs i've noticed little to no clicks or pops as a result of E commands. Especially compared to my DMGs. But one of my SPs does make a little noise, so you have to find the right kind. This is hard because it's not a difference in their serial. They're both AGS-100s but my red one just makes little pops even when you press buttons. My light gray one doesn't.
that's really good to know. I have some sp shopping in my future then... to ebay!
220 Nov 14, 2012 8:41 am
Re: classic "pops and crackles" lsdj question: what do *you* do? (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
if you're feeling obsessive compulsive, you can zoom way into the wave form and get rid of the clicks.
this is exactly what I do, but it's a damn annoying if you have to get tracks out quickly plus sometimes the pops happen the context of some other sound and you have to mute the pop, then drag in some snip from the context sound and blend it all at like max zoom AHHH that's some tedious shit to have to do over and over hahah
yeah I've tried the noise gate thing, but haven't been able to get the timing so that it's consistent: either some of the clicks are still there and I have to go in post anyway, or it shaves parts of sounds that I actually want.
anyway, you are one of the deepest hardware+daw users here so thanks I appreciate your input. I'm hoping evil weasel sees this too for the same reason
221 Nov 14, 2012 7:36 am
Topic: classic "pops and crackles" lsdj question: what do *you* do? (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Recently I've been doing a lot of recording with lsdj instruments at low volume levels (like say E17 - E47 in PW) for certain timbre / sample necessities, and around there the crackly poppily noise floor issues become really apparent, especially with WAV channel synths and if you do anything interesting in tables. blah blah blah we all know this. I have my techniques for how to deal with it (basically just record parts multiple times then comp the best part of each and clean up what's left in post), but am wondering what you all do to get the most clean-ish recordings?
Also, as a person who has always used DMGs and Colors, does this happen to any lesser degree with Advance series and SP2s? I suppose recording from emulation is a possibility, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
222 Nov 12, 2012 6:50 pm
Re: FS: WATCH THIS SPACE (33 replies, posted in Trading Post)
whoa! are you cashing out? D:
223 Nov 11, 2012 6:52 pm
Re: First time I'm nervous before a concert. (20 replies, posted in General Discussion)
dang, you've got your merch situation sorted!
224 Nov 8, 2012 8:24 am
Re: know any chip hiphop artists? (64 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Anyone remember this ?
man, what ever happened to uoki toki?