George wrote:

James, you have some hair competition ^

what was that you said veronique?



(193 replies, posted in General Discussion)


i am the god of hair


(14 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)



(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

well, since nobody is actually taking you up on your offer...

i have a purple USB BB cart which i'll part with for $75

PM me for deetz

boston8bit has (had?) a legit server for a while.


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

paradigm shift in cart tech NAO!


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

HAHAHA love the cover big_smile


(85 replies, posted in Trading Post)

can i make a GGG request?

sell all these things with a $3 overhead and give money to Johan. HE DESERVES THE FUCK OUT OF IT.

or, just everybody go give him money right now.

hey! i could use some input on t-shirt sizing!

i clearly misjudged sizes... being a waifish inner-city person, i ordered mostly smalls and mediums like myself. WHAT A SILLY THING TO DO. I immediately sold out of XLs and am now doing a bunch of special orders for larger sizes.

so i probably should have asked this waaaaay back, but what sizes do you guys buy shirts? im considering doing a new run with XLs - 5XLs. Lets party?


(6 replies, posted in Collaborations)

good man! I am so happy to see this big_smile


(6 replies, posted in Collaborations)

the game looks pretty cool!

but I have to shake my head at all these recent posts looking for free music for commercial releases. writing good music to spec is something that pays and pays well in the gaming industry. I make a living at it! and it saddens me to see excited noobs get taken advantage of hmm  the least that can be expected if a dev doesn't have a budget is a % of net or something similar

to OP, I'm not directing this at you specifically... it's just I've seen too many of these posts recently and as a person who is a "professional", i dont think I've said enough on the subject. If you want to talk business, PM me and maybe I can suggest some fair ways to make both parties happy.


I mean, this is all small stuff though. live it is zero problem, but doing post-production stuff with gb tracks, it's nice to have options available!

hey, in some situations noise management is pretty helpful

this sounds like an awesome utility! thanks for the tip


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

smiletron wrote:

will be there n__n