this is an interesting topic. i think my initial thoughts on this would be that most of this:
Basically, I want people to stop saying "Neil Voss does amazing things with LSDJ" and instead say "Neil Voss makes great music."
...would only be thought about by people 'in-scene'. And so it depends on your audience. For instance, we make pop-oriented music with vocals, so understandably many (if not most) of our fans are actually totally outside of the scene. Some have no idea there *is* a scene. When we have a show, I actually often have people (who are familiar with our music online, bought CDs, etc) come up and ask me "so what are you doing with the gameboy up there?"
So, while this may not be the case for everybody's music, I would suspect that if you are getting a bunch of downloads and successfully doing shows / touring / etc, most people are listening "because its great music" rather than because they hang out on 8bc/CM threads all day.