
(95 replies, posted in Collaborations)

HAH You compo anarchists!

Ok, "I am in", and "I would like to do Derezzed", since nobody else has mentioned it. It seems hard, and I will learn a lot from doing it.

I'll bet we can round up some more peeps for this. I think it is a really cool idea as the music --although being 8bit influenced-- is much more "atmospheric" than the general comp subjects.


(95 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i think a tron: legacy tribute is awesome, but i am confused by the lack of traditional organization schemes. How many participants so far? Who is doing what? Other than that I'd like to throw my chips in the ring


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

this comp is amazing

i am attending your concert sir

rushcoil: hipster team of one


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)




(31 replies, posted in Past Events)

yeah that got really really insane


(31 replies, posted in Past Events)


(31 replies, posted in Past Events)

and just so you know, i AM playing some god damn christmas music

Jay Tholen wrote:

It's also going to be weirder.

didnt think possible!


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

whoa. end of an era

(we have short eras)

Jellica wrote:

i thought we had better haircuts sad((((((((((((((((((((((

good point, this obviously cant be us then. hair-tune or no tune. this guy's scene knowledge is SO 5 YEARS AGO

is that, like, the opposite of "linetrap"?

(thanks an-cat-max)

tacticalbread wrote:

DAY 49 Update:

Added 'Generic' mode, for those of you who don't like the BRK memes, and whatnot, or if you're not even a part of the chipscene, and you understand none of it.


OH SHIT this is actually playable now???

hey i know that guy! hes cool.