damn philly! you rule! i expect pics and vids

Glenntai wrote:

Even so, it wasn't as enjoyable at the time.  I'd rather have my face melted off from awesome.

well then... prepare yourself for PAX my friend big_smile

(i mean, we'll have other shows before march of course, but nothing can possibly compare to what we have planned for pax)

Glenntai wrote:

my only regret is having to deal with nearly fighting a fire marshal in Virginia instead of seeing this.

honestly, that sounds pretty cool

Decktonic wrote:

I immediately thought of you when I saw that and it was very confusing...

agreed. ill give em a piece of my mind. you'd think that people would do a simple google search before naming themselves. unless they are blatantly trying to style bite you.

i mean, thats an ok lineup, i guess.

EDIT: oh shit, happy bday you guys^^


Can you get 4 or 5 to beat kitchen? Put that shit up bro!! ;D

y'all want a chipscene?? CHICAGO REPRESENT:

facebook page here (needs more confirms!!!!): http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=139177382801605


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh and:


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh and:

BOSTON PARTY IS IMMINENT!!! Chance of awesomeness: OVER 9000

THAT WAS SO EFFING FUN YOU GUYS RULE. So nice meeting all you!!!!! next time we'll come down for more than some rushed-ass 3 hours and do some HANGIN OUT heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart also: ethiopian cheesesteak is FANTASTIC.

I have TONS of drunken pics to upload after i get back.


alright, so a bash game is certainly badass, no question. but i have a dream of a final fantasy (or perhaps, more like barkley: shut up and jam gaiden: http://gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=68488.0) style HairQuest, with awesome pixel characters and battles and everything.

TBread, this idea is so genius

Hairquest: DSV

sadly, i was looking through gooooooogle for anything hairtune related and there is NOTHING! How sad. we need to hurry up and make chiptune more popular, so we can make fun of it and OTHER PEOPLE will also laugh.

or we can just take old emo kid demotivators and replace "emo" with "hairtune" until there is at least enough shoops for a proper meme. <----- more likely

hairtune is the best possible name


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

