in this day and age, 99.999% of 'artist management' either doesn't exist or is a scam. unless you have constant revenue and you can pay them out of net, you WILL have to pay them out of pocket, and they WILL just subcontract to bookers/promoters they know and take a cut. and then they WILL do the most mediocre job possible. (i will be happy to hear from people with another perspective on this)
*super long story short: there is nothing that they can do that you won't be able to do MUCH better and for free.
things to do: email clubs and ask for booker contacts, email newspapers/blogs/etc to promote shows and for EP release and stuff, promote shit on facebook and online. nothing fancy is needed at all! journalists like cool new stuff and magazines need articles. send them mp3s of what you are doing, give them pics from your last show. same goes for radiostation DJs! make them your friends, because they are usually pretty cool people.
things to not do: pretend to be slick or bigger than you are. hyperbole.
and thats my 2 cents NOW GO GET FAMOUS