
(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

in this day and age, 99.999% of 'artist management' either doesn't exist or is a scam. unless you have constant revenue and you can pay them out of net, you WILL have to pay them out of pocket, and they WILL just subcontract to bookers/promoters they know and take a cut. and then they WILL do the most mediocre job possible. (i will be happy to hear from people with another perspective on this)

*super long story short: there is nothing that they can do that you won't be able to do MUCH better and for free.

things to do: email clubs and ask for booker contacts, email newspapers/blogs/etc to promote shows and for EP release and stuff, promote shit on facebook and online. nothing fancy is needed at all! journalists like cool new stuff and magazines need articles. send them mp3s of what you are doing, give them pics from your last show. same goes for radiostation DJs! make them your friends, because they are usually pretty cool people.

things to not do: pretend to be slick or bigger than you are. hyperbole.

and thats my 2 cents NOW GO GET FAMOUS


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

hey bros

i just wanted to make sure you guys know how incredibly awesome oxygenstar's youtube channel is. Carl has been to and recorded pretty much every chip show on the east coast. I honestly spent like 3 hours watching today and it was fucking bodacious.


(yes, i am the top link so this reeks of shameless promotion, but in like 20 minutes 8bitbEtty will be the top link, SO YEAH)

Video goes here:



man, i cant even believe how amazing that night was. everybody's performances were fantastic, and ALL YOU GUYS CAME TO PARTY: ridiculous hats? check. moshing? check. dirty-grinding geeks? check. glowstick armada? check. glow bracelet as nose-ring? check. drunk chicks diving on stage? check. 8bitbetty massive sing-along choruses? check. totally raging absurd incredibly fun time? double friggin check.

you people are so awesome

youre probably all bored of hearing me spam this, but there is this show that is happening today, saturday, in boston, and it has a bunch f amazing artists and it is going to be awesome


HAH, i didn't realize that Feryl

Battle Lava wrote:

Mine actually already broke!

aw man, where is the picard facepalm icon when you need it

nitro2k01 wrote:

That's that Feryl guy... The same guy who ranted about how chiptunes and swearing don't mix, named his album Winners Don't Use Drugs, doesn't get the pun in "Modemoiselle" and actually thinks it's a typo, and can't use tags on Blogspot correctly. Yeah, that guy.

HAH! that dude trolled me so hard on the whole fox news thing. Glad to see i'm in good company then (nullsleep, computeher, drugs, etc) ;D

arlen wrote:

I like this idea, but i fucking HATE cd cases. They're so shitty and aren't at all durable.

agreed. the idea is fantastic, but the presentation is kind of kitsch at this point as cd's are... nonexistent, for many good reasons (fucking cheap plastic cases/discs being a main one). but i understand that he had to put it into something recognizable as a "common audio device" for the concept to work. Regardless of the music, it probably wouldn't be getting the press that it is if it was packaged as a usb stick or a cassette or a pile of transistors or whatever. It does look damn cool.

All that aside though, how is the music? I've only heard people saying "aww that looks so cool", and nothing about the actual content tongue

Hey! We got some awesome press for this show too!!

2 friggin page radical article in the Boston Phoenix: http://thephoenix.com/Boston/music/1076 … TOPCONTENT

added special guests DOOMCLOUD and OWEN MCGARRY!!!

whoa. someone will be recording some video i hope?????? and that lineup is the same as my super sweet 16 barbie hopes and dreams list



(195 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

This sucks ESPECIALLY fucking bad for me because I had been saving since January of this year sad

so it sucks because... you will have... more money?

celsius wrote:

Hey BR1GHT PR1MATE, be a doll and record these sets yeah? I could do a cheeky trade for unreleased Soundbytes sets big_smile



(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)




see more: http://www.disasterpeace.com/pixels/