nice thing guise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by BR1GHT PR1MATE
nice thing guise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Define chipmusic by actions rather than try to define it with words in Wikipedia. That will happen in due time. And none of us has the right to do this or has the ULTIMATE TRUTH.
well put!
Hmm. I think that this is a really important topic, so thanks for bringing it up.
To be totally honest, while I totally think that Joey totally has the best intentions with this (i hate that definition too), I don't think that we should be having people who who are current performing chip artists writing the wikipedia definitions.... its just impossible not to be biased in one way or another. As an artist, you have to have cultural motive and preference in order to create anything of any value, but for journalism, especially with a newer and lesser understood genre being unveiled to the public, those traits are poison.
If we as a community are serious about getting some legit, updated information on the wikipedia page, we should be looking towards people who are familiar with broad critiques of culture such as journalists or musicologists who would be more interested in the "long view" of chiptune within music and culture, rather than debate points and definitions that are basically meaningless outside of the chiptune forums.
/2 cents
well, in like 10 minutes oxygenstar and kris keyser are going to post about THEIR tv appearance, and so we can do this whole thread all over again
@party compo with no ctrix??
still looks awesome though!!
looks like a legit night!
Now- if one could put the entire textual contents of wikipedia onboard and then make it into a handheld I'd buy one. In fact, if there is a good place to obtain such text (or a good script to do it with) then I'd build myself something like this for the sheer utility of such a thing.
is this what you are looking for? http://encyclopodia.sourceforge.net/en/index.html
anyone coming to the boston show with me??
to be honest, i have been *really* touched by the amount of genuine enthusiasm that the community has shown for this whole ordeal. the amount of messages of encouragement and support has been totally amazing and it really shows what a great thing we have going on here.
if a few people take issue with the fox thing, or our music, thats fine. even if occasionally it may not be articulated in the most productive way, it just means they care about what they do and the music they like.** i mean, we didnt start br1ght pr1mate to please everybody on the threads, we did it because chiptune is fucking awesome, so even if i get flamed, its furthering the cause. Hell, maybe someone will be so pissed off that they do their own TV appearance or something!
I don't think they were flamed any more than I was in this thread.
indeed. and thats the price of visibility, right? people take pot shots at you to try to bring you down because you have worked really hard for years and are doing awesome things that nobody else in the scene is. I know you weren't posting for sympathy, just as a neutral comparative, but the point totally remains. we are not fainting little daises
Anyways, i just think that the fact that this thread is still going strong and talking about real things 10 days later is awesome.
"real talk"
** or possibly they are just spiteful trolls... either way nothing to be bothered about.
this thread was BOSS
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by BR1GHT PR1MATE