so stoked to get mine!
1,026 Jan 7, 2011 9:19 pm
Topic: NES Audio Programming (33 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
hey neil, i want to make a nintendo program that has a sav file, are there any good tutorials or resources online that you can point me to that will help me figure this out?
1,027 Jan 7, 2011 9:59 am
Re: [ROCH.NY] 01.26.11 - THE FUTURE BAND, THE J. ARTHUR KEENES BAND, more. (13 replies, posted in Past Events)
1,028 Jan 6, 2011 1:04 am
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Very nice.
Maybe in the next version you can add something to allow you to edit the arp speed? That might be a little hard to add in, though. I have no idea.
actually, that wouldn't be hard to add in at all.
the only problem now is figuring out how to edit all of the different things i want to be able to edit considering how few buttons there are. i might make it so when you press start a whole new screen comes up where you can edit all the different stuff like duty cycle, arp speed, etc. we'll see. it's going to be a while before i put out the next version of this program so i'll have a while to figure it all out. thanks for checking it out!
1,029 Jan 5, 2011 11:25 pm
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
version two posted!
1,030 Jan 4, 2011 7:29 pm
Re: Needs Gigs In Toronto (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
nickmaynard wrote:hey do any of you guelph people know a band named sarah d or jordaan mason?
I've heard of them; they do a lot of collaborations together, but I've never met them.
cool, they're friends of mine!
1,031 Jan 4, 2011 3:24 pm
Re: ANAMANAGUCHI JAN 2K11 TOUR! :D (32 replies, posted in Past Events)
holy fuck, slingshot dakota AND good luck? that's an unbelievable show. wow.
luke, have you ever heard of memory map? it's matt toby's other band, so good. also, paul baribeau just stayed at my house a few weeks ago, he's tight with my girlfriend. we booked him on a show with my band and peelander z. craziest lineup ever, but paul needed a specific day and that was the only way it would work.
i might try to talk some people into going to that philly show, that's an amazing lineup.
1,032 Jan 4, 2011 3:19 pm
Re: Pittsburgh? (27 replies, posted in General Discussion)
pittsburgh's just 5 hours away from rochester if you want to play up here!
1,033 Jan 4, 2011 3:16 pm
Re: make sure you're not listed on (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
There's a million of sites of this type and they always say there's "full info" for your email address if you pay. Forget about it.
i've always been curious about buying a membership to one of these sites just to see what's on there.
but yeah, there's a ton of these sites. you can remove your listing from this one but there's still a ton of other ones with all your info on it.
1,034 Jan 4, 2011 9:31 am
Re: Needs Gigs In Toronto (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hey do any of you guelph people know a band named sarah d or jordaan mason?
1,035 Jan 4, 2011 3:59 am
Re: Needs Gigs In Toronto (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
let me know when you get that passport, i could put you on one of the shows i'm doing in rochester.
1,036 Jan 3, 2011 5:36 am
Re: Pulsar (70 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Funny considering it's a Powerpak.
don't you have to update your powerpak stuff before pulsar works?
1,037 Dec 30, 2010 9:12 am
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
i just made it so that when you press A or B it changes the duty cycle of the square wave channels. holding down neither will result in a 12.5% duty cycle, holding just the A button gives you 25%, holding just B gives you 50%, and holding both buttons at the same time gives you 75%.
kind of a neat trick but it sounds really cool when you use an advantage controller with it, and turn the turbo mode on with both buttons, then adjust the turbo rate of both. duty cycle madness.
1,038 Dec 29, 2010 9:54 pm
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
kind of reminds me of step girl
i've never used stepgirl. but muddygb was kind of an inspiration.
1,039 Dec 29, 2010 7:30 pm
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Heh, well done Nick. Nice to see you persevered
If you want any help/tips just shout.
thanks a lot! i'm still wrestling with a lot of the basic concepts but i'm finally making some progress. i'll let you know if i've got any questions!
1,040 Dec 29, 2010 8:46 am
Re: NINTENDO CHORDS / DRUMS (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
looks cool, i think it would be cool, if you could make a little side program to put your own chords in, and maybe have a way to switch between banks of chords or something
yeah, i'm definitely thinking about doing something like that eventually. i was thinking you could go around and highlight a button, then scroll through each note (C, C#, D, D#, etc) then specify what type of chord you want (major, minor, sus2, sus4, 7, etc). and then the program would save these choices to a preset. then a different button combination would allow you to scroll through a certain number of presets.
that being said, i have no idea how to do any of this yet. but i'm learning!