Holy Konni - LGPT Princess http://holykonni.bandcamp.com/album/lgpt-princess
Frostbyte - Codex http://frostbyte1.bandcamp.com/releases
Revengineers (Self-titled EP) http://revengineers.bandcamp.com
Minikomi - METRODUB release http://metrodub.com

LSDJ for kids too young to use a Gameboy wink

Looks like I'll have to update my iPhone app soon too! Not touched it in a while hmm

https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/lsdj-pa … 65867?mt=8

Stream would be nice fellas!

Bandcamp has completely re-written the rules regarding music purchasing and selling for me. The scene in general seems very much bandcamp-centric too.

Long Live Bandcamp!

p.s. does anyone actually buy music off iTunes/Beatport? I know I don't...


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well I was only trying to send tracks from my computer to the cart itself. And not with the midi-USB adapter, just the USB adapter. I think I basically had to update nanloop to 2.5.1 for it to work (it was only 2.5 prior to that). Also, the data would not go onto my 2.6.0 cart for some reason.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for the info but that didn't work actually. Still, I managed to figure it out for myself in the end!


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sorry to go on about this but I am still having problems even with the right adapter now. It all looks great up until the checksum data appears. The numbers on the right are the same, the track's name is in the top of the screen, but when i press A+B to save it, nothing happens... any idea why?


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I thought it looked different. I'll give it another go when I get home. Thanks Oliver!


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm getting the "no input ports available" error too.

Using the hardware growl tool like pixls mentioned, it shows that a "Simple HID Device Demo" was connected, but when running the program, I get the above error. Any ideas..?

wahaha that's pretty fast man.

Victory Road wrote:

dubmood done made me feel bad about making uptempo music :<

dubmood is damn right. Unce-laden typical upbeat chiptune annoys the hell outta me. Yes, there is a place for it, but not 8 out of 10 artists at an event like he mentions. I think he is going over board a bit with this estimation though. At least as far as Blip Tokyo and Cheapbeats events go wink

Excellent, Thanks for these!!! Didn't get much chance to see inside Sabako at the after party. Was farrrrrr to busy!

Theta_Frost wrote:

Still can't get over how awesome Chibi's set was!  Checking out the other ones now.

Totally. Chibitech tore the roof off. That skullstep stuff received a standing ovation during soundcheck, so I knew the set was gonna be something special.

Keep your eyes on this youtuber too. He will probably have all sets up by the end of the week. http://www.youtube.com/user/monkeyturn/ … amp;view=0

He already has NNNNNNNNNN's set up. Which to be honest was the most destructive thing that happened to blip ever.

EMdash wrote:

Videos from night 1 of Blip Festival Tokyo 2012:


Blasterhead w/ CHiKA:

Hige Driver w/ m7kenji


Covox (part 2)

Covox (part 3)

Ultrasyd w/ CHiKA

Amazing! Thanks for these. I will treasure them :'(