Sweet mate! thanks for sharing. Be good if you could try your own though. I wonder what the Blip Festival or Dot_AY's website would look like depixelized!
338 May 25, 2011 11:33 am
Re: LSDJ Patch Book for iPhone (v1.2) (44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Thanks for the bug report Timbob! I'll get on it.
As a quick work around (and if you don't have any of your own instruments in there), could you try deleting and re-installing it. That should work for now. I'm working on the database update system.
sorry for any inconvineince
339 May 25, 2011 1:35 am
Re: LSDJ Patch Book for iPhone (v1.2) (44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Edit: Wanted to let Cheapshot know how much I've been enjoying this app.
Great idea and it's been implemented wonderfully.
If I could offer a suggestion, perhaps a quicker way for people to submit patches and then see them on the app would be useful.
Thanks so much for the support. This is one of the main things that I am working on right now. There still hasn't been too many patches sent in from users though... keep thm coming!!
Is there any possibility of this app being supported on earlier iOS versions? Right now it's iOS4 and up, but I'm sure lots of people would benefit from it being available on earlier hardware that doesn't support iOS 4.
Yes, I will definiely do this! I thought it was compatible with 3.0 and up, so I'll look into this for the coming update.
any chance for android? :]
I really don't know how to program for android, so I personally won't be making an android version any time soon, but I'm willing to share how I did it with any android programmers out there!
340 May 24, 2011 9:11 pm
Re: [JP] TOKYO • 2011 10 22-23 • BLIP FESTIVAL TOKYO @ KOENJI HIGH (168 replies, posted in Past Events)
That guy has seriously got it in for blip hasn't he! Give us a break man!!
341 May 23, 2011 10:29 am
Re: Metrodub - [14/12/29] - Back & Forth Riddim on Bandcamp (72 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks man!
And a big thanks to minikomi for the opportunity!!! Keep up the good work
342 May 19, 2011 9:07 pm
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Hahaha, that's class!
343 May 19, 2011 10:30 am
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
344 May 19, 2011 6:41 am
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
345 May 19, 2011 2:13 am
Re: LSDJ Patch Book (41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'd love to have a non-iPhone version of this for all of us technologically ancient enough to not have an iPhone haha.
Working on producing a website equivalent for the app as we speak!
346 May 19, 2011 2:12 am
Re: LSDJ Patch Book (41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Cheapshot I just sent you a PM, sorry for the late reply.
Ill have it ready to go sometime next week guys, sorry for the lag. I've got my college finals this week, so I cant really work on it just yet. It wont take too long to type up, I'll probably have it done sometime this weekend.
Not a problem mate Really excited to get this!!
347 May 17, 2011 8:23 am
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Dis shit is da real deal innit.
To'ally massive respek to ma boi Abrasive. Brrrrrrrrap! Dem carts iz gonna make ma ba$$ sound wicked like bruv!
Yeah, these carts are looking awesome and I'm sure pretty much THE thing every single artist who has used LSDJ for any reasonable length of time has been yearning for since they first picked up a gameboy.
348 May 14, 2011 10:17 pm
Re: i dont know how to describe this other than: best video? ever? (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Brap brap brap! This is how we do it down in DONCASTER! Big up the Doncaster massive. I can feel another rush coming on! Whistle posse blow...!
Dude in the middle is working his way to a lack of wisdom teeth the next day now isn't he. True gurner!
349 May 12, 2011 12:24 pm
Re: Triforce Promo Video 2011 NEED YOUR THOUGHTS! (65 replies, posted in General Discussion)
celsius wrote:HE WENT THERE!
Ahhhhhhh... I (literally) just got this.
trollface indeed!
350 May 12, 2011 1:03 am
Re: LSDJ post mastering (22 replies, posted in Audio Production)
snares in WAV channel? wat
I often double up a snare in the noise channel with 2 snares from 2 kits in the wav channel. Gives a nice thick sound.
351 May 11, 2011 11:06 pm
Re: LSDJ Patch Book (41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
WOW That app is amazing, not sure If this would be useful anymore, but since I just sent out an email to everyone who hit me up for the old pdf Ill post it anyways.
It went a little something like this:
[[ Im pretty into the sound design of LSDJ , I've been keeping a notebook of my own with a bunch of my favorite sounds that I've made and discovered as reference when writing new tracks.
Ive been thinking about taking that notebook of mine (which is way more full than my college notebooks x_x) and typing it up probably in a lame little doc file, maybe make it a pdf if i'm in a good mood. The patchbook we all have has some amazing sounds, but i always felt it was pretty small.
Was posting this to see who all would actually be interested in it/find it helpful, and if it would be worth the trouble. Id love people to submit their finds as well, corse Id put your name next to the sound for credit, to turn it into a great big LSDJ-Inst Tome (Vol.2 of corse) ]Maybe I'd be better off just submitting my whole notebook to your Iphone database. Ill just do both if people would want the text aswell.
Im so glad to see someone made an app. I had thought it would be a fantastic idea for so long and am so happy to see someone took the time and did it! I will be buying this.
Get them sent over to me, and I'll add them to the app for the next release!!!!
352 May 11, 2011 10:41 pm
Re: LSDJ post mastering (22 replies, posted in Audio Production)
In any case it's good to exercise by lowering levels and adding DYNAMICS to instruments. Dynamics are probably the single most missing and underestimated feature in most cheapchoon tracks that come out nowadays.
Which can be done quite easy on hi-hats using automate and a table full of random E commands
(thanks to minikomi for this tip!):