(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DBOYD wrote:




(ok honestly on a scale of 1-10 how did I do????? also I'll be honest I could only fully understand the last line of yours haha. practice makes perfect.)

よく出来たよ! You did well.

ちょっと is the word you want. 著等 is not a word. I think you must have written ちょ and then とう instead of ちょっと smile

Other than that, good job!


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm actually working on a new techno EP. A WIP preview over here: https://soundcloud.com/cheapshot/throbber


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DBOYD wrote:

Japanese class at university, work, and soooo much music writing.




( 」゚Д゚)」オーイ!! The POs are definitely not poop.

Not sure how much use I'll get out of the PO20 (I just ordered) but the PO12 has a solid place in my set up. Such good sounds, and with the nanoloop sync... (*´∀`*)


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Could do with another one of these. Is anyone still offering this service?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey Oliver,

I had a problem with the update (that I just discovered today). The update seems to have removed banks 00 - 1F from my cart. Yes, I know I should have backed up first, but is there a way to get these files back at all? If I downgrade perhaps?



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

All songs produced between November 2014 and September 2015 primarily on public transportation. All sounds (excluding track 03) created using LSDJ on a Nintendo Gameboy DMG-01.

Many Thanks: JMV, Cheapshot, Blood Code, DJ Cutman, Chiptunes=WIN, Gullacass, Pres. Hoodie, Johan Kotlinski, Friends, Family, Fans, and most of all YOU!

-- Graz

( ・`ω・´)BONUS ・`ω・´)
Get the LSDJ .sav data for all tracks on this album!

Purchase here!
1. Dayglow Brighter Than Your Future
2. Glowstick Moshpit
3. Dragoon Underground
4. Cartridge Eternal
5. Astrolab
6. Ravepunk
7. Ghost Safari
8. Skank Or Die!

Music And Mastering By: Graz (www.grazcore.com)
Illustration by: Gullacass (gullacassu.tumblr.com)
Additional Design By: Graz

› Cheapbeats Records Catalogue

Pulselooper --

Sounds like you are running 2.7.7. I noticed that problem and oliver fixed it with the 2.7.8 update.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Updated successfully with the web-updater!
I was actually surprised at how smooth the whole process was. Keep up the good work Oliver!

nitro2k01 wrote:

If you absolutely need better tempo accuracy, try external sync, either from LSDj or with a MIDI solution.


You can even sync GBA nanoloop with an analog signal now.

oliver wrote:

The cables currently available from eVade are for nanoloop as slave.

This is 100% his problem then.

I've troubleshooted (troubleshot?) this with Nanode, and the first thing we corrected was that the PO12 should be in SYN2 mode.

He showed me the PO12 armed, ready to accept the click signal from the GBA. The GBA was all set up (A/2 in the top right).

But no joy.

Looks to me like it might be a cable issue.


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Always a pleasure!


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

It's certainly up there with some of the best LSDJ programming I've heard.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Starting 2016 with a colossal album release. This is another one that has been ready for a long time, and I've had the pleasure of listening to it over and over before this official release. Seriously amazing LSDJ programming and an incredible journey of an album. Although this is the first release from us this year, this is set to be one of the top albums of 2016 in my mind already.


-- Cheapshot

Purchase here!

1. Galaxies
2. Everything
3. Fluidity I
4. Sleepless II
5. System Crash
6. Night Life
7. Backspace
8. Forwardspace
9. Legacy
10. Differentials
11. Edge of the Universe
12. Life
13. Fluidity II
14. Empyrean
15. The World

Music - Pixeltune (www.soundcloud.com/pixeltune)
Art - Love Through Cannibalism (www.lxtxcx.info)
Mastering - Toni Leys (www.soundcloud.com/tonileys)

› Cheapbeats Records Catalogue


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Yeah, took me a while to get around to posting this. /oops

Thanks for the support man!