Thanks everyone!!!
321 Oct 8, 2013 6:53 am
Re: an0va - Ego Depletion (21 replies, posted in Releases)
322 Oct 8, 2013 1:28 am
Re: Indie Royalties (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The most important thing is to realize when the pay out will occur, how long the project will be going on for, and how often your checks will come in. Honestly, for starting out doing game audio, I recommend asking for flat rates up front instead of royalty agreements. You will get the feel of the business far quicker and won't have to establish the trusting relationship needed for royalty checks, and you will sleep at night way more comfortably.
Edit: and don't be shy about your flat rates, either. If you feel comfortable in your product, don't hesitate to throw three-figure amounts at them for a couple minutes of audio. Show them that the price they pay is worth it. Also, consider offering SFX work for them too - a lot of game devs will love not having to think of making SFX, and (at least to me) it's super fun work!
323 Oct 6, 2013 12:15 am
Re: Korg MONOTRON series (micro keyz) (34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I've seen chipocrite use a similar unit live a few times. It ruled.
324 Oct 5, 2013 4:00 am
Topic: an0va - Ego Depletion (21 replies, posted in Releases)
It took a lot of time,energy, and support to make this record. Hope you enjoy!
325 Sep 11, 2013 7:48 pm
Re: FS: Nanoloop legacy carts (1.2, 1.3, 1.5) (10 replies, posted in Trading Post)
sold! thx
326 Sep 10, 2013 6:48 am
Topic: FS: Nanoloop legacy carts (1.2, 1.3, 1.5) (10 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Selling these with a heavy heart but I know other people out there might be able to make better music with these things than myself. I'm in no rush to sell these but it doesn't hurt to see if anyone's interested. If you're reading this post and you probably know what Nanoloop is already, but it's a gameboy music software that was once used (and still may use it today) as a nice alternative to LSDJ. These are the legacy versions and all have a unique style that (IMO) nanoloop one and the mobile versions lack
Steep prices but if you know your stuff about Nanoloop, you know you won't see these again. All of these older versions are sold out and each of them have a particular individual character. Prices aren't firm so feel free to make an offer-I won't get offended! I'm also into the idea of trades, particularly for C64 rigs or any music hardware. hmu!
1.2 has this awesome psuedo FM-like modulation that makes these gnarley growls that (IMO) LSDJ simply cannot do, used in a lot of early 8bitpeoples releases. it also puts the two pulses into one single channel for some reason but allows you to detune and make diads, I also made this album with it:
1.3 has this retrigger function on the wave channel that I've seen Je Deviens DJ en 3 Jours use a bit
1.5 has the ability to split one of the pulse channels into two essentially making a third pulse channel, something I haven't seen fully utilized by anybody yet tbh
Nanoloop 1.5 - $75
Nanoloop 1.3 - $100
Nanoloop 1.2 - $150
All three for $200
327 Sep 9, 2013 9:22 pm
Re: 8static Festival October 17,18,19th! (97 replies, posted in Past Events)
over halfway there!
328 Sep 5, 2013 1:56 am
Topic: Looking for a specific emulator. (1 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I saw a youtube video once of a Gameboy emulator that let you simply drag and drop a .SAV file into the screen and it loaded that data - anybody know which was that was offhand? I've been searching all day for it. It's a really stupid and vain reason but the drop-file-into-folder-and-rename-as-the-game method annoys me for some weird reason.
329 Aug 30, 2013 4:54 pm
Re: 8static Festival October 17,18,19th! (97 replies, posted in Past Events)
just updated OP!
330 Aug 30, 2013 4:32 am
Re: 8static Festival October 17,18,19th! (97 replies, posted in Past Events)
And first leak of visuals!!!
Batsly Adams (NYC)
Guybrush (SEA)
331 Aug 30, 2013 4:23 am
Re: 8static Festival October 17,18,19th! (97 replies, posted in Past Events)
We just announced the first wave of performers!
- - -
Facebook event link:
- - -
8static 3A - Philadelphia Chip Music
Celebrating our fifth anniversary
Thursday, October 17th - Saturday, October 19th, 2013
6:00pm at the First Unitarian Church - All Ages!
$20 per day
$50 for advance 3-day pass
Donate to our kickstarter to help improve this amazing event!
Chibi-tech (TYO)
Disasterpeace (SF)
Glomag (NYC) - one time return from hiatus
Bit Shifter (NYC)
Cheap Dinosaurs (PHL)
Br1ght Pr1mate (BOS)
Trey Frey (WV)
A_Rival (SF)
SSD Engage (CIN)
Chipocrite (PHL)
Danimal Cannon (BUF)
Radlib (MER)
332 Aug 20, 2013 7:43 am
Re: Dude... what if we reupload all 8bc songs to goear? (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
an0va wrote:the biggest downfall that place has I think is not having "8bit" in the name because otherwise, it's freaking great
although it DOES lack a Top 10 of last week which honestly is the entire reason people used 8bc in the first place
It has a top three though. If anything that's a really bad way of doing things, because music by already popular artists gets listened to more than stuff by new artists.
regardless, it still gave people the motivation to keep posting new tracks over and over again
these days even the "popular artists" aren't uploading new tracks as often if you think about it
333 Aug 20, 2013 1:52 am
Re: Dude... what if we reupload all 8bc songs to goear? (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
the biggest downfall that place has I think is not having "8bit" in the name because otherwise, it's freaking great
although it DOES lack a Top 10 of last week which honestly is the entire reason people used 8bc in the first place
334 Aug 14, 2013 4:35 pm
Re: 8static Festival October 17,18,19th! (97 replies, posted in Past Events)
I am also interested to become privy of this Hookah of the Gods.
335 Aug 9, 2013 4:58 am
Topic: an0va - visitors (7 replies, posted in Releases)
a small collection of old Nanoloop tunes
remember nanoloop releases?
all support goes towards my next official release called "Ego Depletion"
hope you enjoy!