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Search options (Page 62 of 78) / Forums / Posts by an0va
Topics by an0va
Posts found: 977-992 of 1,234
If anyone's interested, I made a little sample pack with my bass guitar.
Use them for absolutely whatever with no strings attached (except the ones on the bass tho AMIRITE)
all samples are titled accordingly, such as:
pop c4 = popped bass guitar note, c-4 pitch
I even reconstructed part of Jaco's "Portrait of Tracy" with them by loading a few of them into MilkyTracker:
here they is:
Still not understanding the circle rating system, even post-explanation
liking new home page, but it def took me for a spin at first.
worried about how it will look on mobile
nitro2k01 wrote:An0va: I'd like to do an experiment with your unit. I will prepare a special ROM for you that will test a fix for this. If you don't hear from me in a wekk or two, please PM/e-mail me and poke me about it. 
yes, for science!
I have three colors, and each one has this weird problem on the pulse channels: if you have an an instrument with a long envelope and add a Vxx, the envelope gets cut off and it becomes staccato. Is this a documented thing?
enso wrote:+_+_+_+_+_+DANIMAL STYLE+_+_+_+_+_+
Yo! Fucking Shawn Phase and Inverse Phase!
I'll be at this somehow, yo.
BR1GHT PR1MATE wrote:Pixel8ter wrote:This will be so awesome there are no words...except maybe awesome. Please join me for (birthday) drinks after at the nearest watering hole.
at queen of sheeba? $5 for a shot and a yuengling? oh heck yes i will
(if you do whiskey and PBR, lol)
invaderbacca wrote:BR1GHT PR1MATE wrote:You'd better mike, dont say it if you don't mean it 
I'm driving in early-ish with Kira, EMi, Emilychiptune and our friend Matt ! we're staying overnight LETS PARTY !
Aw yeah!
some minor sound problems but hell, i wouldn't choose a better group of people to go through that with! goooooooood times A++ will come to NYC again
dying at "mustache pride" radio edit
Posts found: 977-992 of 1,234 / Forums / Posts by an0va