Coming soon: me and an0va performing a reggae version of Animal Style's "DMJah Guitar."
Right before SKGB All Stars present: "Oh! Me so Gormley." is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Coming soon: me and an0va performing a reggae version of Animal Style's "DMJah Guitar."
Right before SKGB All Stars present: "Oh! Me so Gormley."
maybe Reaper?
i also have 1.3 and 1.2 but I those and am holding onto them
I have a 1.5. might be down for trading for interesting stuff
Have you guys tried this?
Yeah, wav ridiculousness all up in this jawn. I REALLY love "You Already Know." Everything about it. It's extremely dynamic.
You did what you had to do.
Thanks errbody! Come out tonight and let's hang!
definite dick rippage goin on here
Thanks for checking it out Kris!
Wow. Thank you guys so much. I had no idea in the slightest that this would generate such a warm and large response. It's going over facebook and twitter like wildfire. To say I am humbled and grateful would be an understatement. Thanks.
Download it for free now!
1.) The Prologue and the Promise
2.) There Was a Planet Here
3.) Identity Formation
4.) Model #: "New Horizons"
5.) Sentience Achieved
6.) Cognitive Dissonance
ooooo shit
Meaning, do you ever pick up your gameboy/console/tracker/DAW/whatever and write a song completely within that without using other instruments as compositional tools? How often do you do this? Do you feel it works for you?
Personally, I've always needed the assistance of some instrument such as a guitar or a piano. Not necessarily for lead melodies (I usually sing/hum those), but definitely in terms of riffs or thick chord voicings. I have however started to try writing completely "inside" and it's bringing some mixed results-some great, some awful. What are your thoughts?
Yeah, more art. Meaning, shut the fuck up people. / Forums / Posts by an0va