Thanks for the CC. I'll be going through it again with some of those things in mind.
SycamoreDrive: "What I didn't like though particularly was singling an artist out for being bad somewhere in the middle"
The artist I singled out was myself and is made pretty obvious once the link is clicked on. I guess I wanted to show that I can laugh at myself and not just criticize. But I definitely agree with your points and will do some revising.
As for the layout. I like the color scheme and all that so it's staying. I also really like how the red glow looks cheesy haha . I think it actually fits the layout well.
I'll fix the links so people know they are links (planned on doing it earlier but with interviewing a couple artists it got away from me....which I guess is a good reason anyway haha)
Any suggestions on fixing the size to fit better? Should I reduce the width of my header? Reduce the width of my content area? Make my date image and text smaller and more to the left?
I'm new at this so I really don't have a clue what steps are taken when resizing on say and netbook or something and what steps I could take to have a better transition to screens larger or smaller than my own.