I would love to buy you a beer or something.
Lmao, I think you would be arrested! I am only 15... ¬¬' Thanks for the offer though C:
someonesomewhere : Your work is gorgeous. Would you be interested in selling some prints? Or could I sling you some cash for the design and get it printed myself? Would really like one or two of those on my walls.
Wow, thanks so much! I think I can use DeviantArt to make prints, but I'm not sure. I'll contact you when I do, alright? Also, just shoot me an email : [email protected] or send me a PM here for your own design, I'd be more than happy to do it for you.
Is there anything I can do for you?
That's actually a really awesome thing you got going, and yes, I have seen your thread before! I don't need anything right now, but thanks a lot!