
(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Actually its a black one with a red silicon case.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Its possible! Check out

http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/lsdj/message/11213 details of the build and how to download the rom
http://www.flickr.com/photos/toilville/5586070876/ with details of my setup

Feel free to ask questions


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:



(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

George wrote:

Hey, I was just making a joke at Herr_Prof's expense here. So so so serious.
(Thought the post right above it made that clear.)

Would you like a TCTD sticker?


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

George wrote:

Also, freudian slip?
''(...) is a pretty simplistic view of the scene, and of the people organizing it.''

The problem might be that NYC wants to organize the scene.

Ok had my coffee and see what you mean. I guess we have been a little heavy handed, but how else to justify sending shock troops to pacify dangerous chip insurgencies in europe, japan, and the west coast?


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Curating shows is equal parts getting people who deserve the slot, getting people that people want to see, getting people that people dont know they shoyld see and getting people that are feasiblly actually able to play.

There is a scene xls out there with over 500 artists that arent playing who are probaly as deserving to play as those that are. Suggesting the reason that they arent playing is by design rather than circumstance is a pretty simplistic view of the scene, and of the people organizing it.


(49 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

srsly +1, fast easy to work with and great results!


(73 replies, posted in Releases)

Now updated.. over 100 tracks! Grab the final zip!


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)



(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

it WOULD kick ass if you want to , say, teach a workshop on lsdj.

Or want a studio recording setup perman ready to go whenever inspirations struck... add a adruinoboy!

thank you! PwSF is brought to you by the same cool dudes behind 8bitsf!


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)




yea me rikes

George wrote:

Don't pretend like you don't know I was only being a cheeky smartass.
Last time I was in NYC, I ditched my friends - with very rough directions to Ludlow st - to come party with all of you at Pulsewave.
I'd be there if I could.

4mat is just an Englishman, forgive him.

Thats a terrible best pulsewave story.