I think datapop or 8bitsf were the last us covox gigs?

havocCc wrote:

- being present at Covox very last set, which was at Hyperwave 2 in London



(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well you better wip up a VNC screen of the emulator output while you are at it big_smile


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

why not just use a nes to usb type controller?
http://www.amazon.com/Classic-USB-NES-C … B002YVD3KM


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

you might be able to use the arduinoboy serial code maybe??

Arps can't melt steel beams.

This thread is starting to reveal the true chipscene history.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

I love that urban legend will check it out... some background:


Raquel Meyers had a go at it too:

its all way gross and sad.

I wouldnt really call acting like a basic human beings a best moment

Maybe it's not too late to go back to using nuby lights.

I got a French one for super cheap on eBay!

NonElectronics wrote:

I feel ashamed for allowing you to distract me from the topic at hand.

Well at least you said it with the most respect you can manage. If only you felt more shame from starting pitchfork threads to handle your business matters on a music forum.

Biere Gratuite wrote:

Meh... I don't understand your point. "Little slice of nothing" is what we all try hard to get these days.
This scene, among others, is interesting because we all stand united. I see everybody helping each other when songs are stolen, why not in case of cybersquatting?

Its because music rules and commercial entities that have an over inflated sense of importance in a musical community suck. Hope that clear things up.