(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Lsdj is pretty stable at this point, at least beyond the point of data corruption. The usual suspects are a dying battery, and a filthy gameboy or cart connector.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yea im not trying to talk you out of selling, just trying to get someone else interested in it! Good Luck!


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks for sharing!!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is a decent price for something that is quickly growing in value. This is basically the same fm synth as whats in the Sega Genesis, if you need a chiptune angle for it.

You could probably just do a dpdt on the data line:

http://www.tdpri.com/forum/burnt-finger … rcuit.html

Why would you though? Is there any use besides pokemon?


(25 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

It depends on your definition of what constitutes a fix. Anyways here is my setup chain

Gameboy _> Midi Solutions Merge -> *Midipal -> Midi Thru x4 -> Gear

* Device is powered and maybe is boosting the midi signal?

Have no idea if this helps the problem or not, but I havent seen the random program change problems.


(18 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Rip off Marvin Gaye


(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Clean your cart and the gameboy. I f that doesn't help, send that crash to Johan!

You can pay a little more and get a roland that can handle three stereo channels

http://www.amazon.com/Roland-KC-110-3-C … B0035EHLZK


(25 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I guess some arduinoboys are not up to midi spec, so running it though a thru makes the receiving device get a better electrical connection.

Ill give it a whirl! And gimme that explanation! Ive been looking for a good full voice implementation of a dmg synth for a long time.

Does this use all the melodic voices or is it just a wav channel synth?

I could buy an eeepc for $40 and run famitracker, but yea.


(25 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Some people say the problem is the circuit doesnt have something or other on the arduinoboy output, so you can try connecting through a thru or merge box like I do, but I dont see the dropouts.


(25 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

you can increase the bit check delay and it should improve some, at least ti did on mine. If you do it too much, your notes will be too late however.
