I dont think nanoloop has a way to solo/mute a channel like LSDJ does.

just play song mode, but replace all the other channels with blank chains. You can reload your song to restore the song and then repeat for each channel.

Ive found in ableton its pretty easy to just record the track, and drop track markers every bar or so on multitrack recordings to to keep everything pretty tightly in sync.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

I could easily make a graphical editor that would run on a desktop or mobile platform but getting it to work as an actual Game Boy ROM would be a bit more difficult.

Does anyone have a map of exactly where the sample data is stored on LSDJ? If not, this weekend I'll use a sample patcher and just figure it out myself. As a proof-of-concept I might just put together a quick desktop version and then see where it goes from there.


If you send midi notes on that channel (5 I think) it will automatically play a note from a non playing channel. So if you hit C E G on your keyboard it will play one note each on pu1 pu2 and the wav channel to make your chord.

>Output: Nanoloop MIDI
You need to send the midi output of the track to the Nanoloop midi INPUT for mgb to work

>Audio input is set to no input on Ableton because sound should come out of the Gameboy

This should be the input that the gameboy is plugged into on your soundcard. so:

So you will need four midi tracks and one stereo audio track (or two mono tracks if you are splitting the output) for each MGB you are controling

You might want to create an external instrument on a midi track so you dont need a midi track AND multiple audio track so for example:

I would do the former if you are using MGB in 4 mono channel mode and the latter if you are using MGB in a single channel chord mode.


(14 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I dont think that matters, did you buy it from a store or some ebay kinda thing?


(14 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Did you buy that from a legit source? Ive found many bootlegs over the years.



(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(8 replies, posted in Sega)

Unless you decide to use those non-sine waveform operators which dont exist on the dx7.


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

Ah then if you aren't starting from scratch:
http://members.tele2.nl/m.tarenskeen/do … nvert.html


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

The synth is more compatible with the Yamaha TX81Z(4op vs 6op). You are probably better off trying to load one of the 200k+ Dx7 patches for it:
http://korgpatches.com/patches/kronos/d … collection

bandismyname wrote:

Hey guys, still busy with making it work. Just out of curiosity, do you guys want polyphony or is monofonic with different channels preferable?

dang thats some good deals

Have fun learning! He's one of the best.

So run the rom emulator, find the directory it auto creates the sav and copy your sav over it with the same name, and restart the rom. You should now see the song data.