Couldnt you

Pan gameboy to mono, have a click signal going into the volca out which then sends midi slave info to the granny, and click on to the pocket op? no midibastl needed.

You would need something else to work as midi clock master. Drum machine, volca, whatever..


Ah i miss the micro, then yea youd need that kind of setup to throw the midi sync in the mix. You could also probably use a volca sample in lieu of the granny to stay in a click only ecosystem.

If you did it this way, I dont think you really need a midibastl at all. If everything is click synced, and lsdj is the master, what midi do you need? All you would need to do is this: … k-no-midi/


(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

- yes
-nope johan fixed the clock differences a long long time ago, so any recent rom should play as it would on a dmg.

Also you can mod a regular dirt cheap gameboy cart to have a link port as well.. ive seen them go for $5 or less unmodded. To me a sgb with a prosound mod sounds about the same as a dmg modded.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Then there is nothing to be done, or use less aggressive sweep commands.

did you turn frameskip off? I think its set to auto by default.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yep. You should see the setting on the noise channel for free or stable.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

in later versions of lsdj they added a STABLE or free mode to noise settings. Stable will cause it to happen less, at the expense of sounding less interesting IMO.

I really like your sound design, and its a cool melody. Work a little on the percussion, if it was as driving as the bassline youd have a cool little tune on your hands.

If this is still being worked on, id love the ability to audit drum samples, so the tool can tell me what kits are being use and which are not, so I can decide which of the stock kits I can ditch to replace with my own easily.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:
iron_or wrote:

Now, I believe that classic sounds will always live on as a reference (for anything not just chip sounds). For example: the iPhone makes a shutter sound and has no physical analog camera. The checkout on amazon is a shopping cart. To call someone, your cell phone has an old timey wall-phone icon.

And don't forget the floppy disk save button icon

Yea my liquor store sells my booze with a cash register that uses the sonic rings.


(45 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

TylerBarnes wrote:

Woah! Had no idea there really WAS a c64 lsdj. Is there any articles or threads more about it that you care to point me to?

Dont get excited it never reached any kind of usable state.

is the sequencer transport note coming in on 1:1 as well?