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Topics by egr
Posts found: 193-208 of 3,324
Betar wrote:I checked it out , and it seems nice , but can you please tell me what's the difference between Bennvenn cart and USB 64m smart card , and if it is better .
The ems can hold 2 roms and 1 sav. It also uses special software to load/save data that may or may not work well with your computer.
The bennvenn cart has a micro SD card slot. You could literally load the entire gameboy rom library, all the sav files you could ever want, and still have lots of room left over on a good sized micro SD. I have one and its very nice!
If multiple ROMs and SAVs are important then Bennvenn's SD carts are my recommendation:
If you are only concerned with lsdj then Drag'n'Derp all the way. Simplest and securest by far.
Sounds like the Electribe is sending a lot of extra data. See if you can find some settings related to sync and turn off everything but clock.
Ah oh! Obviously I'm done to help in any way. Gonna email you tonight.
spacetownsavior wrote:egr wrote:The inevitable "this doesn't even sound like mega man" attitude that you're referring to is the most infuriating aspect of using any old game hardware for music. Like someone else said earlier I'm strongly considering sampling all my stuff into ableton and not even acknowledging the chip aspect of it in a live setting.
i'm saying this as someone who literally works in the video game industry
the worst part about making chiptune is videogames

garvalf wrote:I own a pocketchip, i'll try to build a binary.
(edit) I can't find the source code of lgpt...
Here ya go:
4mat wrote:The other thing with chipmusic gigs is they tend to be 4 or 5 acts on the same night, which doesn't really lend itself to developing a set beyond "the hits". I'd rather see one act with a support like any normal gig but eh, is it viable? Seems like being a bit more vague presenting shows would work better for artists than shoving the word CHIPTUNE or CHIPMUSIC everywhere, it's electronic music who gives a damn in 2016 what it's written on.
Deflemask does gameboy pretty dang good. Or straight up LSDJ with BGB, you can never go wrong with that combo.
PULSELOOPER wrote:From times to times I also perform on games/anime/general geek events (always for the money) and the response is the worst because those people are all morons.
The inevitable "this doesn't even sound like mega man" attitude that you're referring to is the most infuriating aspect of using any old game hardware for music. Like someone else said earlier I'm strongly considering sampling all my stuff into ableton and not even acknowledging the chip aspect of it in a live setting.
Excellent video. We'll done!
oliver wrote:I wonder if there is a gamepad sleeve for smartphone that has game boy like buttons on the bottom and the typical square window on top, so that it resembles the shape of a gb pocket. With a compatible app running, you can hold and play it vertically like a game boy, otherwise it just shows the upper half of the lock screen.
Check out Hyperkin's Smartboy:
Please support this! I really want my tunes and swag!!
Try disconnecting and reconnecting the ribbon cable from the board. Also check the bottom wire on your frontlight power connection, it looks like you may be bridging two points.
As much as I don't need a device like that I totally WANT a device like that and will purchase as soon as they're shipping.
Posts found: 193-208 of 3,324