I've got both versions of the SP and switch between them often (whenever one needs to be charged).

I don't get any interference from using the buttons on either of them.  That sounds really odd.

For what it's worth:  my older model is much more headphone friendly than the newer one.  It has much less high pitched whine and "seems" to be less noisy in general.

EDIT:  forget about output mods, they are a fool's errand

ant1 wrote:


yes, i have a bandcamp too

What's horrible about Bandcamp?  Other than the few gripes we've already mentioned it's pretty damn perfect.

Evidently there's some changes being made in the Power Ups.  Below are screen grabs from my oldest and newest accounts (I've got a lot for various things).  The newest account doesn't even list "ANY KIND BONUS DOWNLOAD ITEMS" ... maybe that means anything is allowed already?  Have you tried to upload various file types (or a zip of various files)?

Oldest account:

Newest account:

I posted this before somewhere but:

I requested that .sav be allowed as a bonus item a while back.  The very generous response I got was that they just went ahead and gave me the "ANY KIND OF BONUS DOWNLOAD ITEMS" power up.  So the capability to have any type of bonus item is already there, you just have to get access to it.

On a related note:  My personal #1 request for Bandcamp is to have batch uploading for albums.  I've started a Facebook page about it to try and get their attention.  Click that "Like" button if you agree.
Link:  https://www.facebook.com/WeLoveBandcamp … hUploading

Sycamore Drive wrote:

You should make a project video. People are more likely to donate if you do.

Would a series of live clips with text be sufficient?  Or does it need to be a "talking to the camera" type of deal?

Seaking_s wrote:

http://www.mixcloud.com/eric-byrnes/sea … t-servant/
There is the link to the latest show that i did with The Ghost Servant.

also if you want to do an interview or have music you want me toplay just pm me or shoot me an email at [email protected].

This was a great episode.  Put a big ol' smile on my face.  big_smile

Downloads, T-shirts, and vinyl can all be yours "for just pennies a day."

Won't you help?  Today?

RE: hair

Vex wrote:
Vex wrote:

Dude your 17...just get some easy "hot girl" pussy while you still can. Lol

Edit: worry about love when you're 18...

Shit I thought I hit "edit" fuck! Sorry guys

Your original response was correct.  Wring all the life out of being a minor that you possibly can!!


Hmmm, the tone of this thread is decidedly warmer than I expected by this point.  smile

My wife and I are addicted to junk store shopping and we collect vintage ceramic pitchers, mostly Fiesta style stuff.  We love cats and have 3 at the moment.  Aside from that I read "hard" scifi and anything with a zombie in it.  Trying to run Datathrash Recordings takes up the rest of my time.

Auxcide wrote:
egr wrote:

sucks huge donkey dong.

I'm on my phone so this video shows up blank first. Reading the above statement makes me not want to know what it is. . .

so much worse than you imagine

I work in the quality assurance lab of a manufacturing plant.  I develop methods for, calibrate, and maintain all the instrumentation.

Going to a factory Monday thru Friday sucks huge donkey dong.

We've got one pledge so far, keep 'em coming!  smile

1. How long have you been making chiptunes? 3-4 years
2. What inspired you to begin creating your own music? The album "Burn Berlin Burn"... but that was way before I knew what chipmusic was.
3. What do you personally use to produce chiptunes (Hardware and Software)?  Gameboy SP and LSDJ  (lots of other gear but it never produces a finished product)
4. What genre of music (besides chip) inspires you the most? digital hardcore, breakcore, punk
5. What do you know about music theory? Have you ever taken a formal music class? concert and marching band from 6-12th grade as a percussionist
6. What do you reccomend for someone who would like to begin making chiptunes (tutorials, software, hardware, online resources)? pick a software and read the manual over and over and over and over and over, try to make a song, read the manual again, repeat
7. Do you perform at any live shows? no
7.a. If so, Where? i said no!
7.b. What's your motivation to perform live? are you deaf?!
7.c. What kind of gear do you use at your shows? screw you guys, i'm goin' home


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saturday Night Live Mode