I can recommend ASM.  I don't have a GB by him but I do have a underclock kit and a lsdj keyboard adapter for SP that he made and they are both classy products.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So who's willing to be the bad guy and give bad reviews when they're called for?  Put another way:  Who wants to waste their time talking about something they don't like?  Not me.  That's got to be one of the biggest reason every chip review/description you read is just glowing and sycophantic.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

More stuff like "Chip Bass Monthly" would be good.  Doesn't have to be genre/style specific like that but the format is good.

Example link:  http://generationbass.com/2011/10/28/ch … onthly-10/

Dudes!  There's no anger here!  Being dismissive and critical is just how adults communicate.  No probs, it's all good.  big_smile

akira^8GB wrote:

Can anybody post the stems somewhere else? I refuse to log in to their site to get them.

They're just on FOEM's Soundcloud under "Sets" -- http://soundcloud.com/foem/sets

Heosphoros wrote:

Kulor is a composer. One that you should have been aware of. Chip poseurs everywhere.


I no longer worry about knowing all the "right" stuff in chip related music anymore.  There's to much good stuff being made right now.  No way to keep up and also exhaustively study the classics at the same time.  It'll find me in it's own good time...

Heosphoros wrote:
egr wrote:

What's "Kulor"?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

To much to list here but evidently "Kulor" is an 8bc thing so nevermind.

What's "Kulor"?

Kool Skull wrote:
egr wrote:

Contest rules link:  http://foem.info/index.php?option=com_c … ;Itemid=97

I'm also glad Kool Skull said "submit your version to this competition" since I get the feeling ATR are gonna police the use of these stems pretty hard.  Nobody wants to see another "Daft Chip" or "Kind of Bloop" situation.  RTFcontest_rules!

i don't think they're gonna "Police" that much.

"...When you remix the new song, do what feels right to you (as opposed to what you think ATR or the label might like)."
"...The track can be interpreted in a super stadium rave kind of way but can also be totally abstract & experimental. To keep it short: Show the world what time it is!!! "
- Alec Empire.
I think he'd be super down to hear these.

Oh I think they'll be stoked for some chipthrash but the phrase "...it would be a violation of copyright law..." pops up several times in the contest info.  Best idea is not to post your mix and just submit it to the contest until that gets clarified.

Contest rules link:  http://foem.info/index.php?option=com_c … ;Itemid=97

I'm also glad Kool Skull said "submit your version to this competition" since I get the feeling ATR are gonna police the use of these stems pretty hard.  Nobody wants to see another "Daft Chip" or "Kind of Bloop" situation.  RTFcontest_rules!

Since I started this topic I guess I should put up some numbers.  These figures are for everything on http://datathrash.bandcamp.com grouped together since July 4, 2011 --

Downloads:  465
Purchases:  21 (doesn't count off-site CD sales)
Trackplays:  ~7,800

mk wrote:

Can someone shed light on how much pressing up a 7" sets you back? I'd love to do it one day... Private if you don't want the secret out of the bag haha

Here's a quote generator from an "industry standard" company in Nashville:  http://www.urpressing.com/quotegen7.php

Short answer:  ...about a grand

EDIT:  And here's a super affordable alternative with a few limitations (mono only I think, some other stuff)  http://www.poly-cut.com/pricing.html


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Legit.  Funky fresh.  I like this.

UPDATE:  CDs are now available thru the Bandcamp album page right here:  http://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/dropping-a-deuce

EDIT:  We also finally noticed that "Duece" is actually spelled "Deuce".  tongue  Official spelling of the closing track is now "Tyrannus".

A more likely scenario is USB adapter output -> GB emulator -> export as WAV

Since the output would just be instructions for the GB processor, I assume, or possibly a combination of processor and cart hardware.

I'm guessing the answer is "no".  Haven't found anything so far.