Well... it's not my cup of tea.  If you've ever used MTV Music Maker on Playstation that's pretty much what it is.  As in, it has a very large pre-recorded sample library that you draw from and place in the usual "piano roll" type sequencer.  It has the usual adsr, vibrato, etc type effects.  I uploaded the manual at one point, let me see if I can find it again...

Here we go.  It's a large image file, you may need to zoom in to read it:  https://sites.google.com/site/seward23c … =0&d=1

Oh!  Alrighty then!  Emailing...

Codice! wrote:

Its not showing up? Mind if you put it on tinypic?

How 'bout now?  It does have the battery cover and is in really good shape, in my opinion.  smile

I can fulfill that oddly specific request.  Hang on a sec and I'll post a picture...

All this can be yours for only ... ummmm ... $25 shipped in the USA?


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks for reminding me to finally listen to this!  Crowsfeet and Fowl FTW!

So good.  Even the somewhat crappy Bandcamp stream kicks major ass!  Can't wait to play the record at full power.  smile

EDIT:  Where else do you publicize your releases?  This thread is the only mention of it I've seen so far...

That is one seriously complete and well presented package, bravo!

Nashville's Makeup and Vanity Set release "a bunch of 8-bit jams" on "The Final Fire EP."  Dig it.  smile



(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Congrats on a job well done!  At least according to Facebook all ya'll picked up several new fans.  So this is now an annual thing... right? wink

I needs moar JAKcore!  smile

Great job!  This would have been impressive even without the short deadline.  But in less than 2 days?  Mindblower.

NeX wrote:

haha wow thats awesome, thats really cool that its just the same screen!

can i have the old screen and the rest of the gameboy pocket?????

Sure if you'd like! PM me an address.  smile

pixls wrote:

wow, nice job! don't suppose you got any pics of what the inside looks like?

The pocket screen is an exact match. I just had to peel off the backing and drop it in.  smile

Despite my best efforts, I have succeeded!!!11!!

Gameboy Light with transplanted Pocket screen.  Just has a piece of printer paper in there as a diffuser at the moment.  big_smile
Thanks for your help and suggestions guys!

Before (with contrast all the way up to show dead lines)

After (with dumb paper "diffuser"):

Maybe try looking at a/v recievers like come with low end surround sound systems.  They usually have a butt load of inputs and might be a cheapish option.

EDIT:  Now that I look at your picture... there's RCA options available on all of those!  Why not go that way?  And then use any common "game system switcher".

I do have a pocket i could sacrifice, but believe me when I tell you there's no way either the lcd or screen protector is coming off the gbl in one piece.  sad


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I used to have that Ensoniq.  You're a real man to be lugging that heavy bitch around!