Did this get completed?


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

probably my last post here cause Ive sold off all my chip gear besides a gameboy.

Please don't leave me alone with these people. :'(

Go with a GBC and never worry about it again!  smile

jefftheworld wrote:
egr wrote:

My OldBoy creates a sav file for whatever rom you load in the same directory as the rom.  I'm thinking that since the op says they haven't closed the emu since starting the track (and it sounds like they haven't used it to make any other tracks) then the sav hasn't actually been created yet.

If it's on Android 5.0 or higher it might not be able to do that, unless you're running a custom Android rom that allows it, apps are no longer permitted to write outside their own directories unless they have SD permission.

I haven't experienced that (yet) on my 5.0 devices (Note 3 and Nextbook Ares 11).  Savs appear in my Downloads folder or wherever the rom happens to be.  That'll suck when I can't keep roms and savs together automatically.  sad

jefftheworld wrote:

I just realized you said this was on android. It'll be in some sort of directory like:


My OldBoy creates a sav file for whatever rom you load in the same directory as the rom.  I'm thinking that since the op says they haven't closed the emu since starting the track (and it sounds like they haven't used it to make any other tracks) then the sav hasn't actually been created yet.

It should definitely be in the folder with the rom.  Are your songs still there when you go to load them in lsdj?


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

New version is up and confirmed working.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I sent one. New version on the way.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Confirmed on hardware too. Did you send a bug report already?

The pcb carts are indestructible. They'll be around long after standard carts have crumbled to dust.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sweet! "fastest possible retriggering" smile


(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Hey, glad to see my little project mentioned again!  smile

Here's a diagram of the circuit that Kitsch did when we were producing PISSboxes:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WR9Ge … JGNWSlMR5q

Deflemask is worth learning.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Monotron wrote:

This thread is good. Good thread

They're very common watch/hearing aid type batteries.  Here's a recent thread about it: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/16069 … y-is-dead/

There's no "scene" around me at all but I put together a 4 act chip show in Nashville at a grimy dive bar and people ATE IT UP.  It's a great feeling when a dude in a Molly Hatchet shirt head bangs to your track, stoners run up to the stage for high fives, and goth kids send beers to all the artists while they play pool in the next room.

Still feeling kinda glowy and happy from it.  big_smile