It only counts each UNIQUE view.  Not every single repeated view.

If I could ever finish a nanoloop song I'd try but they always fall apart after a few phrases.  :'(

Elektron NEStation


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Biere Gratuite wrote:

Did everyone but me received the stuff?

No, still waiting.

No, but I don't listen to tracks on Soundcloud either.  If something isn't packaged up with other tracks as an "official release" I don't really pay attention to it and assume it's a demo or a WIP.

That o2* star one about moms that I can't remember atm

disco.txt is too clever too not love


Google "usb midi cable" and choose one that has drivers for your os.

New version is very exciting! ROM read/write and LSDJ sng management just like in LSDJ Manager!

pselodux wrote:

Update: I had a look inside with a magnifying glass and light; couldn't see anything glaringly obvious, apart from pins 6 & 7 on the chip with "PL8810" printed on it being soldered together (but I *think* I can see them connected together in this photo I found: … otostream/ so I think it's supposed to be like that).

The LED lights dimly every time I try it in either gameboy. I've tried it without the front cover, without SRAM battery, and tried taking the SRAM battery out for 10mins and re-seating it, with no luck.

Does the led light up brightly when you have the cart plugged into your computer and choose Page 2 in the software?  I'm kinda fixated on the page switching since that seems to be a very weak point in these carts.  There was a thread on here about removing a certain capacitor so that your cart would always be locked into Page 1 but I cant find it.  That might be worth looking into if you can find the info.

Hmmmm that sucks.  Does the same thing happen on both banks?  As in, if you cycle the game boy power to go to bank 2 of the cart (the green led lights up) do you still get the blank/lines on the screen?

TSC wrote:

Just go to Wal-Mart and buy whatever. It's 2015.

This.  Any new PC is going to have way more power and capability than you could possibly need.

If you have an android device and an otg usb cable you can try with this excellent app: … &hl=en

I've been helping test it out and I'm very excited about it.  smile

That looks like a really cool trip! Great pictures, too!

yoyz2k wrote:

If you want some fun programming you can git clone lgpt and port it to Android handled.
There is a lot of SDL1.2 program which were ported on android so it is a good way to touch a great software blessed by the community and do some c++ programming.