Added an example of a config template to the first post.  Not sure if a template mapping.xml makes sense (haven't gotten a chance to try out non-controller midi mappings yet).

herr_prof wrote:

you can stack commands in mapping to get key combos but if IRC its picky

for example
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:107" dst="/event/rshoulder/>
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:107" dst="/event/up" />

to go to the project screen from the song screen using cc 107.

Im about to do something similar in the next week or two with my setup (having another sequencer load up a piggy song and start a row in its dying seqeunces) so please share if you run into problems.

Excellent!  I'll try this out as well, thanks!

I'll do some experimenting tonight.  Also hoping I can use log output to figure out how to specify midi -> button combo for queuing song rows and muting.

I admit I haven't tried it, but if this works (from the Dingoo example)

<MAP src="key:0:space" dst="/mixer/volume/increase" />
<MAP src="key:0:left shift" dst="/mixer/volume/decrease" />

then shouldn't this work?

<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:104" dst="/mixer/volume/increase" />
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:105" dst="/mixer/volume/decrease" />

I keep noticing other config and mapping options when I refer to the wiki.  For instance the option to control the master volume with midi (maybe, i haven't gotten to try it yet).  If it doesn't already exist, we should put our collective experience together and make templates for config and mapping xml's that have all available options included but commented out.


Paste into a config.xml
Remove the <!-- and --> from around the option you want to activate

Piggy config.xml wrote:

        <!-- WIN/DEB/OSX ONLY -->
            <!-- <SCREENMULT value="2"/> -->
            <!-- <FULLSCREEN value="YES"/> -->
        <!-- <BACKGROUND value="505444" /> -->
        <!-- <FOREGROUND value="FFFFFF" /> -->
        <!-- <HICOLOR1 value="F41B38" /> -->
        <!-- <HICOLOR2 value="FF0000" /> -->
    <!-- KEYBOARD ("f") AND BUTTON ("but:0:x") OPTIONS -->
        <!-- <KEY_A value="f" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_B value="d" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_LEFT value="j" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_RIGHT value="l" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_UP value="i" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_DOWN value="k" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_LSHOULDER value="a" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_RSHOULDER value=";" /> -->
        <!-- <KEY_START value="space" /> -->
        <!-- <KEYDELAY value="185"/> -->
        <!-- <KEYREPEAT value="40"/> -->

    <!-- FOLDER OPTIONS -->
        <!-- <ROOTFOLDER value="c:/files/tracks/"/> -->
        <!-- <SAMPLELIB value="root:"/> -->

    <!-- AUDIO OPTIONS -->
        <!-- GP2X AND DINGOO ONLY -->
            <!-- <VOLUME value="60"/> -->
        <!-- WIN ONLY -->
            <!-- <AUDIODRIVER value="driver name"/> -->
            <!-- <AUDIOBUFFERSIZE value="512"/> -->
            <!-- <AUDIOAPI value="ASIO or MMSYSTEM"/> -->
            <!-- <AUDIOBUFFERCOUNT value="3"/> -->

    <!-- RENDER OPTIONS -->
        <!-- <RENDER value="FILERT"/> -->
        <!-- <RENDER value="FILESPLITRT"/> -->
        <!-- <RENDER value="FILE"/> -->
        <!-- <RENDER value="FILESPLIT"/> -->

        <!-- <MIDICTRLDEVICE value="device name"/>

        <!-- <MIDIDELAY value="1"/> -->

    <!-- LOG -->
        <!-- <DUMPEVENT value="YES"/> -->



(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Woohoo!!  Grabbing now!


(37 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What kind of carts are these? Never heard of multiple copies of lsdj not overwriting each other.

stargazer wrote:
egr wrote:

You're right.  What's up with that?

Not sure if serious....
You don't have to push the cart down. My NES works better without pushing it down.

I've never seen an nes that would boot a cart without pushing it down.  You just get the flashing orange screen.


he didn't push the cart down.

You're right.  What's up with that?


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

All about that clean sound and unlimited storage space, ya feel me?


(25 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

This has probably already been mentioned but the eNcade sounds like a pretty sweet deal when it comes to Raspi action.  Their "multiplayer software" could be good or bad but the device itself looks like a winner.

Kickstarter link: … ng-console


(24 replies, posted in Releases)


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This comp from Chippanze is very good: … -dub-comp/

But we need more dub, always!  smile

Also, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see that gif avatar again.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Yay zines!  smile

I don't know... the Gamecube Game Boy Player already does this pretty darn well.  hmm

Edit: link for those that don't know what we're talking about