(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sxe_weekend wrote:
egr wrote:

I try to always include source files if possible. This one is probably the most interesting sav, also a tutorial document in there: http://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/hymnal

This is sweet!  I'll have to throw some monies your way come payday!

Glad you're into it!

Sorry. This show is being rescheduled. Updates when I get them.


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What sxe said. Not having a battery is actually a significant UPGRADE. LSDJ requires save ability and that means either battery or flash like derps.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I try to always include source files if possible. This one is probably the most interesting sav, also a tutorial document in there: http://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/hymnal


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welllllp, guess I know the answer to that question then. tongue


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

We have an IRC channel, if only people would chat on it.

Irc confuses me because there always seems to be lots of people logged in but no one ever says anything or responds at all. Are they all bots or leftover accounts or something? Does everyone hate me and refuse to acknowledge my presence? I don't understand irc! :'(


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sxe_weekend wrote:

@kitsch I thought we really were not supposed to make multiple accounts either?  I remember someone stated that when I asked and I just decided to keep my username.

Pretty sure they meant dont USE multiple accounts at thr same time.

Seems reasonable to me.  "General Music Discussion" sounds like it's inviting me to post about how "Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii" is the greatest concert movie ever (which of course it is).  How general would the general music section be?

Myself (as Abandoned On Fire), Roboctopus, Sugar Sk*-*lls, and hobbledeions will be playing at The East Room in Nashville, TN this coming Sunday night at 9:00pm CST!

The East Room on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TheEastRoom
Address:  2412 Gallatin Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37206

Here's a taste of what you can expect:

Sugar Sk*-*lls - http://sugarskulls.bandcamp.com/releases

hobbledeions - https://soundcloud.com/hobbledeions

Roboctopus - http://cheapbeatsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/disco-txt

Abandoned On Fire - http://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/hymnal


(11 replies, posted in Past Events)

Really wish I hadn't crashed out on the couch as soon as I got home from work yesterday.  This would have been sweet.  sad

aanaaanaaanaaana wrote:


At aanaaanaaanaaana.net we employ both surface and obscure techniques to instil extra meaning into our music. At a glance there is obviously some gematric composition taking place and, in an .it format, the order the samples are loaded in can be important - try discovering which sound's size is not 5:3 with the previous and consider what the anomaly might mean. One track features a bassline describing the sigil supposedly used to summon Amdusias. But as well as those ciphers for novice exegesists, a more profound trick is taking place during the download period - I will not reveal its nature except to say that, given how impaired your vision is to the former truths, what exactly assures you to think that you are receiving the same album as everybody else?

((())) aanaaanaaanaaana.net :: vast anti-official loser invasion squad ((()))

The beauty of this post brings tears to my eyes. :,)


(57 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:



thats my password on here

Youre a dirty liar!

So please, 8BitStealer, go fuck yourself and while you're at it try not to STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK AND THEN SELL IT UNDER YOUR OWN NAME.  If you could go ahead and do that, that'd be great.

This is in no way different from someone robbing your house and then selling the stuff on craigslist.  Fuck you, 8bitstealer.



(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Still working on it but http://Datathrash.com