Here's how I'm using it at the moment.  Noise like a muthafuka!

TSC wrote:

My immediate thought was a yamaha su-10/roland sp series/psp sample trigger program/pad controller to iphone or even a arduino or raspi solution if one exists.

I get where you're coming from but the su10 and most of the sp series are more headache than they're worth (mostly because of very limited or inefficient storage).  iphone or some other touchscreen device could do all the same stuff for sure.  I'm sure there's good options on raspi too but probably not piggy.  One thing piggy can't do is be played like an instrument in real time.

So I'm still saying that the standalone and playability of this little guy are worth the hundred bucks.

The main point for me is not needing to be connected to a computer, "playability", and of course size. And it's cheap. What are some other mpc-style sample players at this size/price point?

Edit: being battery powered isn't important to me, if i were using this live i wouldn't rely on batteries anyway

quick update: loading a max size kit of 30 mb takes so long i didn't bother to time it, 2 or 3 minutes maybe? that's a worst case scenario, typical kits liad in a matter of seconds



(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

barbeque wrote:

you're telling me, daddy o

edit: which mustache tho ?


(9 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

defPREMIUM wrote:



(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

katsumbhong wrote:

Get a DMG fool!

[i didn't realize there were word filters in effect on this site]

Ha! Both of mine happen to be on the site:

First (literally first song ever on lsdj)

Latest (one of a batch that were all written very close together) 


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Stugard wrote:

...listeners have little to no grounds for posting here if they do not actively participate in making chipmusic themselves.

I don't know if I would necessarily say that it's because of perceived vibes of elitism/some "need for authenticity" here that forms that disconnect—but when such big names in the scene post here on a regular basis, I'd at least imagine that it's a bit intimidating for other "outsiders" such as myself to participate.

I totally understand those feelings.  There has been a small but vocal set of members here and other forums that express exactly that attitude and it's really unfortunate.  Maybe it's a throwback or leftover from some earlier form of the chip/demo scene where it was all about "what have you done for me lately?" but now we're far away from being a tiny hacker scene or demogroup.  Reaching and communicating with lofi music and art fans needs to be a bigger part of this community.

Chipmusic goal for 2014: increase the fan/artist ratio to at least 4/1

ok kewl

@kitsch - I'll also update the documentation and add another doc for kit assembly (unless you've already been including instructions with the kits?).  Remind me before you post the new units.


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kfaraday wrote:

there's a bot counter now yikes

ahhhaaahahahaha that's excellent!

Hey, good to see a representative of Chipotle on here! heart I'll check this out tonight!

@herr_proff - midi in/out is limited to note on/off only at the moment, I'll test big samples tonight but kits of regular drum hits and oooooyeahs load in 1-3 seconds, internal 808 and 909 kits are tasty by the way, 30 megabyte limit for each kit

I got my MPX8 and have been playing with it a lot.  Haven't been able to get the "editor" software working on Linux but I don't think I'll even bother to figure it out since making kits on the device is so easy.

SOUND:  sounds great, reverb effect is very tasteful but effects the volume a LOT, maybe a slight bass boost at the outputs, "Tune" parameter is limited to +/- 4 semitones which is pretty weak sad

PLAYABILITY:  pads have a really comfortable texture on top, extremely responsive, all the flashy colors are fun

EDITING:  jog wheel plus four buttons, if you've ever used an electronic instrument from the 80s you'll be right at home (so yeah, pretty much everyone on this site), screen is big and not overly bright and is actually very impressive

SD CARD STORAGE:  the only complaint here is that you can't have any folder structure AT ALL, all samples have to be in the root directory of the card

MIDI:  haven't tried it yet

I expect this device to get some serious firmware upgrades.  At $99 it's going to make it's way into a lot of people's hands and they're gonna want some extra juice.  Fingers crossed that Akai doesn't just immediately jump to the next upgraded model and forget about this little guy.