
(11 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

o.O  That's a nice shoop right there.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

YAY!!  Can't wait to cruise to this after work!

Hey this is great! big_smile

I realize "Leo Drop" isn't exactly brand new to cm.o peeps but if you haven't grabbed this already you should snag a download, slap it on a media player, and pump it through some headphones while prowling around your town.


I really enjoy your interviews, essays, reviews, writing in general.  You're doing the chipscene a great service.


(12 replies, posted in Past Events)

Proud to serve!

LINK: http://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/leo-drop

We're proud to bring you this massive raw side of beef that nonifinte calls "Leo Drop"!

Nonfinite says:

"Leo Drop" was created on a rainy Sunday night in Madison, Wisconsin. This 100% improvised set holds the energy of a lone traveler reflecting on an iconic, whirlwind weekend. He beckons you, the listener, to let the animal out. Be predatorial. Take your lioness. ROAR."

For an alternate version or to make donations directly to the artist go here: nonfinite.bandcamp.com/album/leo-drop

nickmaynard wrote:
egr wrote:

If my inside information is correct, with somewhere between 32 and 35 chipmusicians lined up to play the main stage and the Datathrash pre-show, this will be the biggest chip lineup in history.  That's not including any after parties and ancillary events (only because I don't know about them).

35 chip musicians, dear god. rochester chip fest was an insane amount of work and that was only 9 bands.

good luck and godspeed!

Solarbear and Friends® are some seriously dedicated and hard working motherfuckers.

The Silph Scope wrote:

Everyone's an Artist.

I keep forgetting to download that.

Link for myself later tonight: http://www.freeroms.com/download.php?ti … e_id=20248

If my inside information is correct, with somewhere between 32 and 35 chipmusicians lined up to play the main stage and the Datathrash pre-show, this will be the biggest chip lineup in history.  That's not including any after parties and ancillary events (only because I don't know about them).

I got this Toshiba on sale for $300 a few weeks ago.  Seems legit so far but I've always had extremely low end computers so I impress easily.  tongue

http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/2 … -Computer/

Huh, but can you actually have different sounds on left/right channels? If not then that is dual mono.

Edit: as in panning or what have you

I dont know about legit carts but the downloadable rom is mono.  Well dual mono, but yeah.

e.s.c. wrote:

i could look into that at some point if no one beats me to it..dont want to hunt for the game cube cables right now, but im sure theyll turn up as i unpack from last weekend and set things back up over the next couple days

I'd appreciate it, the only thing I've had success with is an EZflash4 sad

Hey, while we're at it has anyone been able to get a Nanoloop One cart to work with this?  I stopped trying when I saw that it wasn't shaped correctly to hit the gb/gba switch in the cart slot.