...and here I was thinking I was missing something!

no honorable mention of HEXAWE = this thread is bullshit, cya suckers!

I'd vote pause if I cared.

If I didn't care I'd vote HEXAWE

Why isn't radiograffiti in the list?

I started in 96 so we'll go from there ;P

Chiptune was fine until all you dumb kids jumped our band wagon 5 years ago. GET OFF MY LAWN

line up updated!

defiantsystems wrote:
XC3N wrote:

to gyms and defiant:

I meant that doing something as a hobby/passion and doing something for a living are two different things and that having to deal with the harsh realities of making music and/or chiptune for a living could be a very valid reason to "refuse money to write music for a living".

I also wasn't targeting anyone with that at all. Just that I would be reticent to do music for a living because it looks like it's fucking hell.

Doing it for fun is amazing, though.

I was speaking more along the lines of doing what I do now. Writing music I want to write and performing it, that sounds awesome. But I see where you're coming from and that could be awful but would probably be better than my current job.

Yes, the fact that I (now) have a more than bearable full time job greatly reduces any incentive to try and "make it" artistically. I might not say no when it comes knocking at my door, but I'm sure as hell not going to chase it... I did at some point and I just ended up bitter and unproductive.

chunter wrote:
XC3N wrote:

Just come to montreal already, that's what bright primate and ESC are doing #coolpeopledoit

I can't go that weekend because I took the weekend after off for my brother's wedding. If you want to have me in 2014, PM me and I'll explain my expenses/requirements.

oh, I don't even know who you are x_X sorry I thought you were just looking for a party to enjoy :3

to gyms and defiant:

I meant that doing something as a hobby/passion and doing something for a living are two different things and that having to deal with the harsh realities of making music and/or chiptune for a living could be a very valid reason to "refuse money to write music for a living".

I also wasn't targeting anyone with that at all. Just that I would be reticent to do music for a living because it looks like it's fucking hell.

Doing it for fun is amazing, though.

defiantsystems wrote:
gyms wrote:

yea i sure did play up the stereotypical 'internet tough guy' bit didn't i? yea nice out-of-the-hat phrase

and i'm dumb because? so i was a bit aggressive but it's because i can't take any of this chipmoney talk seriously. 'refuse another outlet of revenue' i like how everyone's a businessman trying to handle their business, man.

You're dumb because you give the impression that you would refuse money to write music for a living. I don't get it. Does the refusal of that money put you on some higher moral plane of artistry?

if you don't get it then clearly you've never written music for a living.

chunter wrote:

If Bright Primate don't want to host a con, maybe one can be grafted into @party, or if people like the idea about having it in a remote vacationing destination with dubious airport access I can start asking the hotels down here... PM if interested.

also @party is the most horrible idea in this thread yet.

chunter wrote:

If Bright Primate don't want to host a con, maybe one can be grafted into @party, or if people like the idea about having it in a remote vacationing destination with dubious airport access I can start asking the hotels down here... PM if interested.

Just come to montreal already, that's what bright primate and ESC are doing #coolpeopledoit

invaderbacca wrote:
Dissonance wrote:

Noobstar I have 18 years of experience within a variety of genres.. your aggressive nature isn't appreciated here..

18 years experience but still looking for the big thing? I guess you can count failure as experience too

ooooooh SNAP

gyms wrote:

I don't think I've seen a single person say anything realistic in this thread yet.

Hey! wink I Resent That! wink I Actually Made A 150$CAD For A Less Than An Hour Chiptune Performance Damn It! wink

man... I wish I could suck my own dick! Dissonance, can you think of a business model that would allow chiptune kids to suck their own dicks?

I'm bursting out with opportunity, just sayin'

Oh, allow me to hijack this thread to respond to Chunter and ESC...

Get your cats and come party in montreal this august... I'm going to make a second line up announcement tonight
