(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

catskull wrote:

Firefox is fixed!

Oliver, your hardware does the memory switching? Do you think it would be worthwhile to have functionality where one could upload a rom to the site and have it patch it?

Still can't get it to work on FF. Anyone else managed to download the ROM with FF? I'm using 43.0.2.

I tried the new version but couldn't get any reaction at all. Ah yes, one of the 16 squares in nanoloop.

Sorry for the delay, had some problems flashing my arduinoboy. It kinda works, when nanoloop goes 16 steps my drum machine goes about 1 step.

catskull wrote:

Looks like I've got the basic functionality up and running. nordeof do you have an arduinoboy you can test this on? I don't have nanoloop so I can't do much testing.

I do! I would LOVE to try it out!


Check it out!

/ nordloef

snorkelitzor wrote:

The PCB:s for the headphone amp have landed!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmyfvq8lu9kkj … b.jpg?dl=0

Now I´ll have to build one. I hope it works! smile



(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

can't get the gb-file to download. I'm on firefox, any idea why?


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

If they'll support Neil Baldwins music software I'm sure people will be interested, me included.

catskull wrote:

I'm trying to read what the midi bastl actually does. It doesn't look like it's able to convert nanoloop clock to midi clock, but the other way around. Midi clock to nanoloop. Am I wrong here?

By default yes! But there is a hack:.

http://www.bastl-instruments.com/midi-b … ca-how-to/

However the github link on that page doesn't work. But found it here instead:

https://github.com/bastl-instruments/ba … verter.ino


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Wouldnt a nanoloop cart be supporting "piracy"?

Not if it's solely for the purpose of backing up the sav-files.Not even sure if it's possible to overwrite the nanoloop carts, escpeially the old ones, nanoloop ONE you can back up via the nanoloop USB adapter. And ripping the ROM wouldn't work so good either since it's depending on the carts special hardware.


(38 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

BennVenn wrote:

Just got hold of a few of the older flash carts, including an EMS32M (GB SMART 32M) - Full support for this cart has been confirmed. Adding support for the obscure PocketVoice Cart in the coming days.

My Smartboy cart will be arriving soon so I'll code support for that too. I think thats just about all of the more common carts supported.

Still need to find some nanoloop carts to play with...

Support for nanoloop carts would've been the best thing ever. Especially 1.3 and 1.2.

Optimize your tables. There is often more then one way to achieve the same sound.


(4 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)



I'm mainly using nanoloop 1.3 and because of a bug that overwrites waveforms while being in slave mode I'd prefer to have nanoloop as master instead when syncing it with my drum machines. My friend lazenbleep showed me this device called MIDI Bastl http://www.bastl-instruments.com/instru … idi-bastl/ That can convert nanoloop's 12 ppqn to midi clock. I was thinking that the same thing would be possible with the ArduinoBoy? Maybe even add nanoloop sync to analog sync?

Luckily Bastl Instruments stuff is open source so you can take a peek at the code here:

https://github.com/bastl-instruments/ba … verter.ino

And same with ArduinoBoy:


However! I don't know the first thing about coding arduino, but I guess (hope) that this would be fairly straight forward for someone who knows what the hell he's doing?

Hopefully there is more people interested in this than me. Anyone with the knowledge willing to help out?

/ nordloef

Great price!


(0 replies, posted in Past Events)


I'm doing a workshop in Malmö, Sweden next week.

Check out the following link for more info:


// nordloef