If rex manages both competitions that would probably be better for organization; and the themes would be awesome hehu. We need to all go in the chipmusic irc more often methinks.

ait i'll be in this week. Have a few days off to brainstorm

If anything I'd definitely like to help keep running this.


I misspelled my own name for a reason...


Guess I missed the train on the strict jazz theme and went a little off-course sad my bad


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

snares in WAV channel? wat


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Thanks for the suggestions guys!

Right now all I've been doing is either recording the WAV channel separately and adding gain, then slapping on a limiter and wala, or adding a limiter by recording straight from a DMG. This makes it sound really grungy and earraped though.

I got oZone's Izotope today, how I've managed without it before I have no idea. Thanks Saskrotch!


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I've never really found an optimal way of mixing LSDJ with some post-mastering of any sort, and I'm sort of forced to because of how quiet the WAV channel is when I record.

Is there a certain default template I should be following to optimize LSDJ's sound while recording either from emulator or straight from DMG? Or is it better to record each channel individually.

I was JUST in a swing groove, this theme is perfect. LSDJ brainstrom

My name is pretty common because of falco's hit 1982 song Der Kommissar

hnggggg 2player god damit

After 10 weeks someone should make a best of or something. People could vote for notable songs to add.

4th place with fakebit, unheard of! hehu. Awesome work guys :3

you mean we'll all get awesome


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't mind paying the extra labor because it's work that I would encourage people to keep doing and it's something unique that straight up owns. Also I can't be arsed to do it myself and when I try, DMGs die.

Also people making profit off this sort of work usually aren't all that rich either wink