I AM SO EXCITED to finally present to you my first full-length, full-"band" album, WORDPLAY. It's out! It's here! Go enjoy it!!!

So many things to say, so many people to thank... I'll try to keep this short. This album has been in development for a looong time, so there really aren't words to express how happy I am to finally share it with the world. It's a sonic step up from my past releases, featuring live drums, guitar, bass, etc. I hope you like it!!
Many, many, many thanks to everyone who made it possible: Dino Lionetti, for his incredible production skills; Josh Steingard, for his incredible drumming; Chris Burke for his incredible mastering; braverbeast for her incredible art; and you, for your incredible tolerance for me overusing the word "incredible."
Please go check it out. Thanks so much for your support!!