Luke, can we be best friends?

So ready to rock.

animalstyle wrote:

i might bring a bottle to piss in so i dont miss anything.

I am not bringing this bottle back to you if you leave it behind.

So I had a busted laptop for a few days and wasn't able to check anything.. and I totally missed this thread. Thanks so much to everyone who said nice stuff, I try, I try. But the truth is, I learned it all from YOU!!! All of you. Now I too will drop names.

Bit Shifter, Animal Style, and Dino are all pretty much absolute geniuses, and I think it's safe to say that many of us would be absolutely nowhere without them. I've also been blown away by several acts that I've seen at 8static and might not have otherwise checked out: Jonathan Baken, Mr. Spastic, Exile Faker... And VBLANK's visuals get me every single time. Unbelievable. Though I should also mention that NO CARRIER's NES movie shit at the RTP party the other day was.... well, there is no word for it.

Anyway, one last point, to tie this back to the original post: Nullsleep has amazing control over the Game Boy as an instrument, and it is also unbelievable. So many times during Nullsleep sets I find myself confused as to how he gets all those sounds, in the best possible way. It makes us all work harder. It's awesome.

Thanks for posting those videos!!

So many vocals. So many awesome.

Seriously. Everyone who played was fantastic.

Yes please.


(93 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Regarding $$...

I agree that it would be NICE if there were more options for the packages, but I think everything in ALL the packages is totally amazing, and anyone with any chip interest who orders any of them will be glad he or she did. I'm not trying to agree or disagree with anyone specific, but for you guys concerned about the cost of the various packages.. Maybe it would make you feel better to consider how often you're *not* paying for perfectly bundled chip-related funpacks. Stuff like this doesn't come around very often. I see people go to Best Buy or whatever ALL THE TIME and easily spend $78+ on TV show boxed sets and things of that nature that they can get any time. When something like this comes along that is so 100% tailored to what we obsess over, we should feel good about spending some cash to get it, and we should be really excited when we receive all of it smile

That being said, I understand some of you can't afford it right now, and I'm not really directing this towards you. I hope you can get it soon, it's a great movie and I think I will find it seriously useful to show all my friends who think I just play Alleyway all day.

Natty wrote:

If Bit Shifter is checking this thread I've got two words:

Manatee Orgy


Kris k wrote:

Thanks to CNB for turning a less than optimal situation into a damn good time.

Fo real.

Yes, I enjoyed this smile Thanks to everyone who came out and stuck around. I'm a jerk for not sticking around for Joey's set though. If it's any consolation, I have had that one Game Boy/guitar song we and Ro-Bear were discussing before the show stuck in my head all day, and I didn't even see it last night. So that's something.


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)


Bahahahaha. "Fucked up open mic." NO PRESSURE.

But seriously, yes, this is going to be incredible. I have heard nothing but obsessively awesome stuff about Mr. Spastic, so that should be outSTANDing.

sad I'm pissed that I'm missing this. Have fun and rock out.

Thanks for letting us invade your stream for a minute!! I had a blast. Hope it sounded good enough..

Not quite as awesome as being there in person tho. See you all soon!

Link me for stream when available, please!

pixls wrote:

(i think)

That's what I'm saying!