You know, there will likely come a time where someone, possibly me, has to explain to bit shifter why Tickey hates him. I have to say, I am not currently prepared for that moment because it has not adequately been explained to me.

Stream-watching party at bit shifter camp in Florida. That shit better sound GREAT. And also, the Animal Style seminar better be streamed also!! We got people here who want to LEARN.

There was also some talk of us beaming our own stream back to you guys...


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The best I got is, when I was about 14, I was wandering around a crafts store with my friend, who fancied himself an artist. He handed me some stuff to hold, including a large spool of some kind of expensive thread. We walked around for a while and I forgot all about it.. And walked straight out of the store while stille holding it. About five blocks down the road, I suddenly realized I was still holding something I had blatently not paid for. Without really thinking about it, I just rushed right back to the store and explained everything. The nice lady behind the counter smiled and said she appreciated my honesty. A few minutes later, after my friend decided he wanted to actually pay for a few things, they gave him like a 50% discount because I had brought the spool back.

INCIDENTALLY, THE SPOOL COST $309. No, not really. But still, what goes around comes around, or something.

pixls wrote:

holy fuck.



(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Right now, mine is some kind of ad for Microsoft. But more significantly, I had 2112 page views at the very moment I checked it. Neil Peart would be proud.

More epic than that early 90s hit single by Faith No More.

I too had a great time at my first Pulsewave, and I'm planning to get back up there for as many as I can. I really dug OK Ikumi's set. Also, playing open mic was a blast. Someone give Kris K a set at 8static, please.

I totally agree with everything everyone has said. Playing with other artists is the best way to get exposure and break into other venues and scenes. I'm actually playing a mostly jammy/electronica festival in August outside the city ( that I was able to break into because I used to play in a band that was jammy/electronica. That oughta be interesting. I'm excited to see the response and hope to use that as an opportunity to get more gigs back in that scene... Maybe bring some of those headie kids to some chip shows...

Also: Chip shows at the Church is actually a kind of genius idea, especially considering it's all ages. I've seen, um, weirder shows there than most of what I see at 8static -- not to mention a few relatively poorly attended shows. I do believe we'd have to break in with R5 though... Time to bust out those connections, fools. I have some ideas of friends/bands that could help out  but someone else might know better.

Keep those ideas coming.

I agree it is a problem. I've talked a little with NO CARRIER about this as well, back in December when I was offered a show at The Khyber (which also featured Ro-Bear and Animal Style and basically turned into me and Don booking and organizing the whole thing). It's easy to fall back on 8static, and none of us would want to interfere with its promotion or steady growth, but I think all of us certainly would love to play more shows, and I think more shows in general would help draw a larger crowd to ALL chip events in the area. There's definitely an interest; that Inquirer article in March made it seem like the Philly chip scene is a lot more than just one show a month, right? Why shouldn't it be?

Seems like some of the people trying to get a variety of shows in NYC, for example, are really working hard to find interesting places and not afraid to play on weeknights, etc. Maybe we haven't come up with enough good ideas for venues and opportunities in Philly. In my opinion, the best chip shows take place at all-ages, laid-back, relatively hands-off and open-minded places, which are unfortunately really difficult to find in, well, all of Pennsylvania, to be honest. Maybe it's like that everywhere, I don't know. But there have to be SOME ideas to consider. Danger Danger Gallery worked pretty well for the 8-bit Alliance Show, I thought. What did anyone else think?

Let's throw out some other ideas! Promoters in other areas, suggestions welcome!

Suggestion for next month's pre-show seminar: DaPantz teaches Philly how to dance. Included: a slide show on the different results achieved with different beers.

Well, that was lovely. Everyone was ridiculous.

Obligatory message about how psyched I am.

I too would like to make sure you received my submission. Thanks!


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Yes. So nice to be able to listen to these tracks whenever I want. Seriously outstanding.

Fully aware of how stupid I am for not attending this. Maybe if I didn't have to wake up at like 7:30am for Too Many Games. Hope everyone is rocking the fuck out.

Outstanding. I really dug how everyone's set felt really different, but spectacular in its own way.

Moment of brutal honesty, however: Luke's Missy Elliot cover was probably the true highlight.