(21 replies, posted in Releases)

an0va wrote:

"Dank Taquitos" has more interesting motifs and transitions in that one song than in some entire releases from people, IMO

and better title


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

So good it's not even funny.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

I feel the opposite of this animal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKI-tD0L18A


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Carlson, the guy who used to sell video game-related gear at 8static, had one of those for sale one time, I believe. I remember going through an emotional cycle that was kind of like "amazing/hilarious/absurd" when I first saw it. I was moderately interested in buying it but kind of snapped out of it when Carlson -- the guy who was supposed to be selling it, mind you -- asked me if I *really* wanted it and I realized I didn't.

Woohoo! Just wanted to say thanks to TheFly, Reel FX and GameStop for this opportunity!! I am very, very excited about this smile And I'm looking forward to more challenges in the future. I think I speak for all of us when I say keep 'em coming!

I also wanted to comment that I don't envy the decision they had to make -- I dunno about you guys, but I listened to everyone's tracks, and they were all pretty incredible. Seriously!!

And finally, I'm sorry the title of my track wasn't very creative, haha.. Seeing it in the context of TheFly's announcement, I wish I had come up with something a little more exciting. How about "Buffalo Buck" or something like that?

herr_prof wrote:

If it was Cougar Town, THEN id be impressed.

I would pay for a Peter Swimm comment quote day-by-day calendar.

To be honest, I think this is awesome. Come on, that kind of national exposure is great regardless of the forum. The cynic in me has to wonder if the person who decided he should be wearing that shirt really knew what 8bp actually is, or somehow stumbled across the design and just thought a computer with a heart on it was appropriately abstractly nerdy.

Let's not let this turn into a huge debate, because really we're just talking about a tv show, but I do agree that this show is annoyingly exaggerated and forced. If they were supposed to be some other demographic or ethnicity or something and the whole show was so defined by stereotypes, everyone would find it offensive. But since they're just harmless, socially awkward nerds, it's comedy I guess.

I, too, decided to have a go at this. I put a short piece together just for this commercial -- it's got that slow, epic Western feel. Part of the song loops once in the file, which is about 53 seconds, but the main idea fits pretty well into 30 seconds:


Thanks, hope you dig it! Please let me know if you need anything else.


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

an0va wrote:

pretty much the exact post i would have written

tweaking instrument parameters. adding tables. using octaves. soloing and muting things. anything you can think of that won't make the song completely fall apart adds to the experience for the audience smile

I'm gonna try to check this out!

Just wanted to say that this was a blast. Rochester's chip scene is impressive! I'd love to head up there and play again sometime.. preferably a weekend where there's 0 chance of snow on the way home smile


I'm going to be there. I took off some days of work. Because damn.

That picture of chromacle is MISLEADING.

Thanks to all the performers, you guys were seriously fantastic. I'm glad it worked out! You guys should take this shit on the ROAD. I'd go to EVERY SHOW. Also, I expect like no less than 35 new amazing chip albums next week because everyone has been holed up all weekend. Gonna be ridiculous.

And thanks to everyone who attended!

Model # - New Gorizons