(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Glomag, forgive the random comment, but your avatar is just... awesome. princess mononoke is my favorite movie.

also, lol at that guy.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

deep magic. smile


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

DOWNLOAD - 320kbps

ORACLE (5:44)
KINESIS (4:18)
OPHELIA (7:25)
ETERNAL (6:27)

5 songs, 32 minutes.


(61 replies, posted in Releases)


i use midi thru a lot.


can't waitttttt


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Emar wrote:

its not so much about the limitations as it is the breathing room

seriously, dude. yes.

see ya 4/22. n____n


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:

I am unfamiliar with logic for live performance.
But what I used to do before I used Ableton Live for everything, is render all parts and tracks of each song into loops, and then use Ableton to sequence it live, so you can basically do realtime remixes.

Now a days with all these button controllers, its a really easy and fun way to go. Add realtime effects (filter/flange/degrader/delay/distortion etc) and it's as live as you can get without playing a melody.

this, or do the same with logic + realtime effects and the loop function. i've done that for a while and it works fine. logic is extremely easy to sync your midi devices to, pretty much just hit the learn key (mine is command+L, don't remember what default is), choose a parameter, click it, and turn the knob or press the button you want to assign it to. done. i have 8 knobs  right now, i usually have them set to hipass, lopass, master volume, x/y on a software kaoss-pad kinda thing, hishelf, loshelf, and "freeze." seems to cover most of my basic live fx needs.

also, alcohol! whatever you do, don't get Pepe Lopez, worst tequila ever. im a fan of the green rather than the booze.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:
smiletron wrote:

oh god this is like getting snowed in at the airport in newark

newark isn't so bad. laguardia... now that was a terrible place to get snowed in sad

i was snowed in for 4 days. winter can suck it, im ready for spring.


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.smiletron.org - tumblr for free musics + trianglez


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh god this is like getting snowed in at the airport in newark


(37 replies, posted in Releases)

so good. thx, 4mat. smile


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*E wrote:

Fire Brand Boy


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

14:43    <trough>    hey I found a page of 8bc that works
14:43    <trough>    http://www.8bc.org/404