I recently got into the world of Eurorack, and when I discovered a module that uses the C64 SID for its voice(s), I knew I had to get it to accompany my actual C64 and TherapSID (I'm a sucker). The SWINSID option just doesn't cut it for me.
I ordered one (a 6581) from a seller on eBay that apparently had 'new old stock', and was '100% working'. They also said that they only had one left, despite the listing still being active after I bought that one. Eh, right.
Anyway, it turned up and I could see immediately that it wasn't packaged properly. The legs were sticking through the plastic anti-static bag, and were bent.

I'm going to get a refund, but still pretty furious that they didn't take the time to package it up properly, and have effectively destroyed the chip. I'd avoid the seller. Username: gatchamanf