Agreed that the questions were kinda unexpected smile
Good luck to your gf


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Skinny pig pig skins?

Well obviously you choose your own tools... but!

If you do go the pt2.x route, you will have the benefit of literally hundreds of most awesome chip modules at your disposal, that you can peek into and learn from the masters.

Protracker3.15 ugh! tongue

Very bad choice for chipmusic, as it has a lame replay routing that will render some chip tricks useless


(15 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

goto80 wrote:

Maybe it should just be a question of aesthetics. If tile-based stuff looks like text art, then it is. Just like with typographical and poetic experiments. I guess it's not possible to have a strict technical definition (as usual) because you can make tiles that look exactly like a traditional font. smile

Fair enough. Common sense always wins over coming up with / sticking to definitions

akira^8GB wrote:
iLKke wrote:

The uber-snazzy script I mentioned earlier is what I used for HD, but in theory it can be put on a floppy, if you can fit several of useful tools on it.
I think it uses some special libraries so I have to look and see exactly what needs to be on the disk, then I will zip it up and share.

Nope. Only loadwb. Nothing else you wrote needs be put on a floppy.

Ah I wasn't quite clear. I was in fact referring to my custom requester script there.
I think it uses a scriptable requester exe that might in turn require some libraries or assigns.


Actually a bit off-topic but there are many ways to make a nice menu on a floppy.

Some packdisks from back in the day used startup-sequence to assign scripts to F keys and then just use echo command to type the menu into the dos window.
Other less tech-savvy ones just named all the exes 1,2,3 etc and then again printed the 'menu' in the dos window.


(15 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

goto80 wrote: tile-based works be called text art, since text mode demos often use custom fonts? ... )

Arguably it's not text art unless you use text character sets.
If you change the font into something that's not a font anymore, then the technical limitation and subsequently the artistic challenge will change considerably.

Some years ago a friend of mine made this limited tileset tool:
From my experience with it, yes the challenge is somewhat similar to ascii/petscii, but if you go down that road you might find that you've broadened the category too much. For example, pixel art would fit into this broadened category quite easily, as it uses a square-shaped tiles of varying colour.

Stick to abstracted text, I guess

The uber-snazzy script I mentioned earlier is what I used for HD, but in theory it can be put on a floppy, if you can fit several of useful tools on it.
I think it uses some special libraries so I have to look and see exactly what needs to be on the disk, then I will zip it up and share.

Simplest floppy setup

Make a dir in the root of the floppy called "s"  (without quotes of course)
Put a text file in that folder called "startup-sequence" (no file extension)

When you boot a floppy, OS will look for s/startup-sequence and execute whatever is in there.
Startup-sequence is the equivalent of autoexec.bat on ms-dos.

If you want to run protracker, then your startup-sequence will simply be (without quotes):


Some more info

Notice I put a line-break at the end, I think this is necessary, not 100% sure but it can't hurt.
This will work assuming that there is a file called pt.exe in the root folder of the floppy.

In theory there can be problems if you edit the text file on a PC because afaik PC uses two separate character codes for end-of-line and line-break, whereas amiga only uses one that does both. I think Workbench comes with a text-editor called 'ed' or something so you can use that.

In fact, if you have any DOS floppies for amiga, just open them and look in s/ folder for examples smile
Your workbench disk has one for sure, although that one is probably super-complicated.

If you want to load a workbench from ANY floppy, you only need to copy one tiny file to the disk: "c/loadwb".
Then put this in startup-sequence and off you go! Amiga's system is in the ROM so no need for big files or anything.
You can of course find loadwb on your workbench disk.

And do get a hd or an sd-card reader or something if oyu can. Floppy disks die like flies.

And remember, chipmusic is not about the music, it's all about the attitude

I made a nice little startup-sequence that shows a requester so you can pick between loading Workbench or protracker or something else. Easy to customize.
I'll fish it out and share when I have the time.

That one word is 'videogames'

Lazerbeat wrote:

- I am not a little teapot and shouldn't stand with one hand on hip like one.

You will always be my little teapot, Dave

Hally so ruled over the crowd, he's fucking dictator material.

electricloverecords wrote:

droplet is a great game.  what did you use to make it?

flash & flixel for code
grafx2 for pixels
milkytracker for music


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

Hi there, this is my actual setup:

4mat wrote:

I feel somewhat underdressed

I prefer Protracker2 to Fasttracker2, but 4-mat changed the deafult colours on his, so he wins big_smile