(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've had my second monitor hooked up to my desktop mac turned vertical for years.  I use it when writing documents and I use it when I'm using Reason for the rack window.  And I use the horizontal monitor for the piano roll and interwebs.

You could have grabbed any Gameboy around.  You didn't have a second one or a friend with one laying around?  It didn't have to be prosound.  Prosound may give a slight volume boost and bass boost but it's not required.  Actually, I used to record all of my songs with a Gameboy Pocket without prosound and other than a little more hiss than normal, I thought they sounded fine.


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It's a Jackson.  I got it from a guy who claims it was built by Dave Mustaine for his son Justis.  Because it doesn't have a specific model number and because I can't prove it was built by Dave Mustaine I am unable to put a value on it so I haven't tried to sell/trade it yet.  But I don't play guitar so it's going to waste in my closet.


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a guitar I would totally trade ya but shipping to alaska on it would be ridiculous.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What is wrong with the dead front PCB?  What exactly did you do?

Edit:  I just looked at the rest of the pictures on that flickr link...  They're blurry and hard to make out but if you did what I think you did, I believe that can't be fixed.  If I had a spare front PCB, I would remove the film for you (I just did that for someone else last week) but I don't have a spare.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Saskrotch wrote:
float.bridges wrote:

That'd be rad! I've also heard that Sega Genesis controllers work on the 2600 for whatever reason.

pretty much anything with a female DB9 will work. Sega Genesis and Master System controllers are both DB9.

That's cool.  I've never heard that before.  I don't have any Sega controllers to try it out though.

Would it be possible to have this circuit board have an auxiliary hookup so maybe one of the buttons on said controller could be used to toggle between normal clock and half clock when your easy clock kit is installed?  Or is that too far-fetched or challenging?


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Like Downstate said, sounds like a B side to an old album.  I don't hate it though.

Who ever "directed" that video (not much to direct there) needs to learn a little bit about continuity.  They should have made the record needle and arm move fluidly across the records as if they were really playing instead of bouncing back and forth within the 20 second range.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Well, I don't want to hijack the thread but if this guy doesn't sell to you, and you're interested, I'm willing to part with mine.  Only downside is I don't have controllers.  They got lost in a move but I've seen them cheap on eBay.


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Boddah wrote:

Here's a tool that I would highly suggest looking into if you don't already have something similar,
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index … Id=3928375

Get a 'helping hands' from Harbor Freight.  It's $6 and the magnifying glass has an LED built in and it comes with batteries.  Can't beat that.  RadioShack sucks.  Haha

Wow this is a great idea!  If this goes through, it's definitely something that I can implement into a little project/live show rig that I am about to jump into for myself after this semester gets out of school.  Hopefully this can be figured out and completed before the end of summer so I can put it to use!


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well if you have a piece like that available or something else similar of interest (an shipping rates aren't ridiculous) let me know and I'll buy one.  Especially the Delorean piece (my wife loves back to the future).


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'd hang that on my wall!  Or walls.  I collect unique art and graffiti so it would fit in well in my flat.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I see 2600s come up more often than "a while".  I have a working one with pitfall.


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

bryface wrote:

GAH i lost my account info to download builds of LSDJ.

I did the same thing and Johann never responded to my 2 emails so I just donated a second time and got a new account.


(31 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I think it's a 1.6 only feature.  I want 1.6 but I don't like how it's not in a shell.  So I'm debating on getting 1.6 or and older version.