don't these midi ones just sound like a 3 OSC synth with a filter though?  I mean, you need proper frame-based instruments to get really good stuff out of the SID, and then a really good driver like SDI/GT to get the very best out of it.   Is that kind of thing supported?


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's not like in chipmusic the rules on things have to be different though, I don't really get why some people make this aesthetic a special case. Your average listener probably has a bunch of chipmusic mp3s in their music folder along with everything else they listen to, I doubt they're going "NOW I'M LISTENING TO CHIPMUSIC FOR AN HOUR.  I MUST PREPARE FIRST."   Quite frankly I'm glad we're not stuck with releasing music as source files anymore, having to attach a bunch of instructions before people can hear the damned things.  Anyway, this thread seems to be another one where the question is "how would musicians in general approach doing a webcast?" and probably just googling that would come up with answers.

goto80 finished his thesis afaik, it was very good what I read of it during the interview process.  I don't know if he published it anywhere though.

edit: If you want some chip history there were a bunch of interviews in the '80s with c64 and amiga composers (like in ZZap! magazine) .  For the early '90s stuff, scene disk magazines would be your best bet (some might be on here). Later '90s maybe the Tracker Workshop newsletters?  I dunno. There are a ton of interviews on AMP but I guess that'd be very European-centered.


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The workshop bit sounds like a bad idea, if they're just talking about hardware or tools only other chip musicians are going to be interested.  It'd be better to treat it like any other music show and just talk about the music, there's plenty of youtube videos about how to X, Y and Z for the other stuff.


(1 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Might be useful to somebody here, converts c64 music in popular formats to a .SID file.  Win32 binary and source in the download  List of formats on the link.


(14 replies, posted in Audio Production)

try one of the sample trackers like Milkytracker, you get full sample playback support plus you're not limited to the few chip waveforms Nintendo hardware provides.

akira^8GB wrote:

You derps really don't want it do you? If no interest expressed, I'll mod the hell out of whatever way I want and put it on eBay.

edit : actually have you tried posting on csdb?  might be somebody there at least.

Jellica wrote:

if you cover up the commodore thing and change it to nintendo 64 personal computer then people will be more interested.

well it's already been prosounded.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

thanks for the nice comments.  I just put up a bunch of demo tracks from it that fell by the wayside.

it's like having 2 sid chips running simultaneously, so you get 6 channels and 2 filters. (one for the first 3 channels, the other for the last 3)

Trollcat wrote:


Really small XM playback library for loads of different languages, plus it includes a tool to make XM modules smaller by stripping out unneeded stuffs.

usually have to fix your XMs a bit to get decent playback though, spent ages tweaking up the "Transform" soundtrack.

speaking of adlib I just stumbled across a song and player done in < 256 bytes for dos.

edit: and some mandelmusic

herr_prof wrote:

I thought the OP was very interesting, lots of things I try to do in my own music but hearing it from someone else is always validating.

re: editor soundchip comments "Its a pretty poor carpenter that blames his tools".

You misunderstood what I meant.  What I'm saying is, the decisions of the coder of the driver also partly influences the music written with it.  Do you see?  But when the coder IS the musician you have another layer into how the music is played back, beyond using the command set that is supplied in the editor.

It's not the editors per se as much as the playback drivers in them. They will sound "a certain way" to a degree, regardless of the creativity or technical prowess involved.   This was great in the old days because people either all had their own, or a handful of people stuck to the same one. Ever wondered why game tracks by certain developers sound the way they do?  Yeah, mostly the composers but there's a fair % that is down to the drivers individual quirks.

people all using the same hardware and editors isn't helping either
