(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

om wrote:

There a gap here.  I've been looking for weeks, for some hours each day for good blogs reviewing chip music and have found maybe... 2.


Some chip stuff does end up on general music blogs, personally I think that's a far more vital objective than having a chip music review site.  Most likely it'd only be read by other chip musicians.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

if you don't want to commit to a whole music video doing a small trailer before the release can work well, or a set of them leading up to the release date.

Actually mystery can work well, for example....

I use SHRINKXM (dos tool) for this. (google it) It doesn't make the patterns smaller but removes excess, trims sample loops and so on.   Because XM patterns are compressed (though not in a particularly optimal way) you can do some fixes yourself.   For example if you don't need to store the instrument number against each note then take it out, same with FX that only need the command rather than parameters.  You can usually clear a few bytes per pattern that way. The compression is described in a couple of docs , which should help you out with this.

The other alternative is to use compressed samples such as MO3 files (XMs with mp3 samples) but only some players can use them.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 - gr8est hits
A.M.U - Diamond
kaneel - your average best friend
zabutom - zeta force
minusbaby - bias

btw I haven't used an amiga since 1995

Protracker, everything else sucks. (protip)

a gwEm appears


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:

A filtered square wave and some toyish drum samples equals chiptune? Sweet I'm on it.

8bc got there first

thread currently going on at pouet.net

doesn't seem like a lot of known european guys are in this at all.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

well I heard chipmusic had a niche audience but.....

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

Chipmusic is the shoegaze of chipmusic.

(the scene that celebrates itself)

well nobody else is going to do it

bryface wrote:

was it the realization that the "hobbyist" music that is perhaps closer to the heart should have at least a similar monetary component to the music done at a day job?  especially considering all the extra effort taken to make the music fit for "album quality"?

Charging for the music was an attempt to "legitimise" chipmusic against other "genres/styles/whatever you call it".  While some people have ideological ideas about keeping their music free, I personally think that chipmusic is as valid an artform as any music sold in a store.

btw you can download all my work now for free here

new york and australia and gameboys and datapunk


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

various unreleased and compo tracks by kaneel in module form.


(better than 99% of all modern chipmusic imo)

if you like buy his album


(35 replies, posted in Releases)

marie2 EP and a various compilation added.

RG wrote:

